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You're a billion light years away from me
none have discovered you yet
I'm the only one who noticed your luminosity
perhaps I was looking out in the distance
and was searching for something no one has ever appreciated yet
But you're too far for me to reach
all I ever will be is a star gazer
who can view your lit up face from a distance
What doesn't **** you makes you stronger.*

What doesn't **** you
maims you.

What doesn't **** you
makes you an *******.

What doesn't **** you
makes you afraid of life.

What doesn't **** you
makes you afraid to love.

What doesn't **** you
makes you meek.

What doesn't **** you
scars your soul.

What doesn't **** you
should have.

Lengthened, stretching
Auburn curls.
Winding around the delicacies
Of profound life.
Growing incandescently
In a newfound, unsound method.
Vibrant with innovation,
Yet in the same instance, arid.

Many are awe-struck by this oracle --

She loathes her curls.

I'll never get tired looking for you
even in the darkest setting
even in a crowded place
I'll look for you

But one day this will end
a shiny star
now a black hole
we'll never escape this

But we'll continue to defy the odds
so take my hand and together we'll venture through these constellations
I'll never let go*
because now we're shining bright
You can write
all the love poems
you want to
as long as you
don't mistake
love for ****.

The first time I saw you,
I knew your eyes weren't just brown.
I stared into your eyes
and they reminded me of soil.
The comparison itself doesn't sound so pretty,
but I stared a little longer
and your eyes reminded me even more of soil.
Soil that life peeps through to spit beautiful flowers,
Soil with rich health growing among it,
Soil that holds more than billions of lives;
memories, tears, laughter and anger.
Soil that trembles the world averagely two inches into disaster,
Soil that covers the nickel nucleous of our precious blue star,
Soil that preserve resting ansestors,
dust they became.
Soil that clasp secrets scientists breathe for revealing,
Soil that hides the bones of the first organisms to roam this planet.
Your eyes weren't just brown,
they weren't just ordinary brown eyes.
Your eyes were heavy with the world.
And as I clawed deeper and deeper into your soul,
I felt how your body cracked
little by little
like fragile glass wanting to burst with burning hot water.
Your eyes are so brilliant,
but to cradle tremendously vast amounts of the Earth's existence must be
so frightening.
Such a strong word,
Though greatly abused,
Such a strong feeling; sometimes absurd,
It gets me amused.
An important virtue,
But made to seem so untrue
Because its sometimes hard to know how and when its real,
And it can't be fully judged by how we feel,

Its really about knowing that love is a duty and more of acts than words and feelings.
Love love love
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