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 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
Jay Ash
I knew you
you knew me.

now i pretend you are new
and you do the same;
we ask questions
that we have long known the answers to.

all in the hopes
that one day
you'll love me
as i have loved you
oblitus (latin): "forgotten"
It ***** to know you say you love me
Yet you point out my flaws
Yes, I don't have the flawless face
the fit hair
a slim waist
an endless smile
the always sparkling eyes

Then you ask me why I doubt that you do

It's not love when you can see every wrong there is

When you  rub it in my face that I am not perfect
it doesn't make me feel any better
It makes me feel like I won't be enough
then you have comebacks that you like it that way
Sometimes I may get used to other people saying that but maybe I just want to look like I'm perfect for someone not my family but someone else special to me
hope I explained well
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet

Ignore me
Hurt me
Break me
Shatter me
Love me
Ignite me
And be me
Be love
Be fire
Be tired
Be the battle
Be my warrior
Protect me from all the flames
But let me be the flame
Let me shelter you
In the heat of this adoration
Let me be
Let it be
Let us be

 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
8% Remaining, Poets Dilemma
Just Breathe
When Snow Falls, Laughter Cries
Words Reveal ~ Words Shade

Cruel Irony, Sweet Awakening
New and Improved, First Born
My Son My Stars, Princess Perfect

Elegy for American Road Cycling
Dreams, Forever Home
Companionship, Magic Moon

To the Woman, To the S.O.B.
Ephemeral Perfection, Momentary Perfection
The Effect, Hello, Hello Poetry
I was thinking of the saying, the title tales everything you need to know. Theses are some of my poem's titles. I put them together in a way that makes poetic sense to me. If you read this, I hope you took some meaning from this other than self-promotion. Haha
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
Your limitless future brings great fear
The future is less far and more near
Glasses will replace cellphones next year
Hundreds can share one's eyes
People you replace will shed a tear
Tech is human's demise

You con with lights and buttons and bells
Amplifying strength, you fit in cells
We drown in technological wells
You thrive and humans shrink
The addiction will rot us in Hell
People! Log off and think!

When do we cease with this life carefree
It's time people let well enough be
Tech will soon replace humans for free
Tractors and new machines
Starved, by stealing the jobs of many
Limitations obscene
Robert Burns is my favorite poet! It is an honor to use his stanza form. I am not crazy. I just had a conversation with my friend about the benefits and detriments of future technologies. Check out Google Glass!
I'll stay forever by your side
You're like an angel sent from heaven above,
just a glance was all it took for me to fall in love
Am I just dreaming or is this real? Because only
you softned this heart that once a steel.

I really just can't believe that this is true  that my
heart needs his prodigious thing and that is you.
Now it' time for us to realize that we also have to be prioritized to live life to the fullest and be mesmerized.
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