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 Jul 2015 Christina
21 w.
 Jul 2015 Christina
I can feel my heart knocking on the back of my teeth,
when I see those green eyes glancing at me.
autumn's long, cool arm
rests gently o'er
your sun stained shoulder
kissing you
with hot breath
while hues of shy summers
dance in your
 Jul 2015 Christina
Nicole Joanne
if i'm the apple of his eye,
then he is the worm;
biting through my skin,
devouring me,
trying to reach the core.

All Rights Reserved (NJ2015)
I lied
When I said I was fine
I'm not
I'm not

My heart hurts
And I think too much
I'm not worth
your love

Because I'm broken
yeah my wrist is open
I wasn't worth it anyways
I don't matter anyhow

Because I'm tired
I'm so tired
Just.. so tired
 Jul 2015 Christina
Nicole Joanne
trying to figure out what my head thinks,
my hands are searching for something to hold on to,
my feet skimming water hoping for solid ground,
but it seems the only branch to keep from drowning
is being weathered by the tide.

the one thing that can save me is destroying himself,
broken from the whole of him that i never have known;
you can pick a flower and admire it's beauty,
keep it in a vase and try to keep it in your presence,
but you will never see the way it's roots were planted,
and you cannot keep what once was from wilting;
even if you constantly take care of it.

once upon a time i was walking through hills,
now i'm running through forests,
gasping for air, holding my chest;
and it's ironic because amongst the trees
is the most oxygen one can breathe;
but i'm lost, i'm drowning, i'm screaming;

how can i save you,
i can't even save me.

All Rights Reserved (NJ2015)
I don't want to be alone
Don't leave me alone
Anti depressants
They are one HELL of a drug
How the hell can you be miserable when everything is so hilarious?
Trust me, you can't!
That's if you can keep your eyes open
It's a glorious rollercoster
What's behind you is the twists and turns of depression
And ahead?
That rise we all desire
Until the drop...
Like hitting a brick wall full speed..
It hurts.
You plummet back down
Breakdowns and relapses are sometimes outcomes
But don't go off the pills!
That makes you get to the twists and turns again
No no that's no fun
Keep riding the magnificent highs and gloomy lows
Here is your cure darlings
Sure you will still feel like crap, and going off these little white pills makes you bonkers
But hey, you gotta make some kinda sacrifice if you expect to be happy

WARNING: DO NOT take more than prescribed
That's when the real fun starts
Oh and more damage to your head and health
This has been a friendly reminder from a fellow sufferer
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