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 Dec 2014 Christian HM
 Dec 2014 Christian HM

                       wishing, for
                              your writes to be
                                noticed•simple sign
                             that they have not been
                          missed•with every view
                     and every like•your popu-
               larity does spike•somewhat
          places your art on the poetry
      map•between major players,     
  you close the gap•constantly      
checking to see  who's been              
reading•you're always deli-               
ghted to see the 'yellow                      
•a wish...                            
    for those who                             
     are writ-                    

secretly hope not only for your words to be
reaching far and wide, but also... trending
* the above does not apply to everyone here.
That voice
and those arms,
Can soothe
Any bad day.
Hard to miss, you can take me home.
I'd rather be anyone than to be alone.
Marlboro-stained teeth
have my lips controlled.
Don't mistake the chemicals
for our souls.

I move with the waters inside your ribcage.
Because when I drown in you,
it's the perfect place.

Softly, please, taking off our clothes:
I can see the kisses that have left holes.
You've been acid-washed
by love that wasn't stronger.
Take off your armor,
so you can stay here longer.

Your face is as cold
as the place I found you in.
You can let go of the hurt
trapped beneath your skin.

I keep warm in your fire that beats fast.
To be alone with you, it to be, at last.

Hard to miss, I will take you home.
You can be anyone, rather than be alone.
Remove your shoes, but not your heart.
You can stay here, as our world falls apart.
 Oct 2014 Christian HM
 Oct 2014 Christian HM
I will name
my first born child
For the Romans
were the *******,
the murderers,
the economic giants,
the success story,
the strong,
the bold,
the brave.
But they were also the
deliverers of grace,
the remorseful,
the shamed,
the quiet,
and the noble.
And I can only pray
that my child
will be all of these.
 Oct 2014 Christian HM
Dev A
In a world so wrought with

In a world so focused on
Societal preferences,
Humanity’s death,
Religious extremists;

In a world so filled with

In a world created just so
How can we not take time to appreciate
All that we can?
Why do we sit in a closed room
Counting down the time
Until we can go to another closed room?

In a world we take over
We barely take the time
To be impressed by what we see.
Don’t you see what we were given?
Mountains, oceans, forests!
They call to us, but we never go.

In a world that is as it is
It is hard to find one’s self.
To find a way to become who you are meant to.
How can we imagine
Trying to comprehend
Who we are and the world we live on?

In a world that is our own
We do not love it as we should.
We focus on what’s not important
Rather than what truly is.
We watch as thousands **** thousands
And a few who save the environment.

In a world such as this
Can we try to find what is important?
Can we figure out which should have our focus?
People killing people
Just to show people that killing people is wrong?
Or people taking care of others
Just because they feel that they should?
 Oct 2014 Christian HM
Jena Juel
I smoke cigarettes to feel death.
Death welcomes me.
I inhale death slowly as I am slowly imploding.
I feel like my mind is exploding.
I kiss death and feel sorrow.
I'm hoping for no tomorrow.
Death grips my heart.
Death is an art.
I have scars from my insanity.
Where is heaven?
I must breathe my last breath.
I still get flashbacks
Of the time I spent encased in those
Bright, white hospital walls

We were all insane
Yet no one realized we made sense

We saw the world as it really was
And the people on the outside?
Well, they just lived in their fantasies
She was still a kid, Playing with her Doll,
Her innocent eyes had that Spark, UNTIL...

She was Wrenched,
She was Impelled,
She was Gripped,
She was Battered,
She was Exploited....

Tears Flowed down her cheek,
The Pain made her Weak..

Her Squawk went unheard,
Her dreams were Shattered..

Her Soul was literally Plucked,
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