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 Feb 2014 Sir B
maybella snow
my head throbs
and the vivid dreams
as a side effect of my
medication makes me so tired.
I dream that I'm
laying or siting in bed
at night and I can't sleep
so every morning
I wake up and wonder
did I get any sleep at all last night?
and all I want is the throbbing to stop
and to be able to do the things I know
I can do but I just can't at the time
this makes me so so so angry
that I lay in bed thinking
about how I am going no where
and all this is
is the endless tourture
of depression
                                          *(i wish i was more scared to die, than i am to live and fail)
 Feb 2014 Sir B
The blood of dinosaurs
pump through the soil
serving as cold platter
for the lit Norwegian cigarette  

The war of music pump paragraphs of hope
through the ear of youths
burning lips in pursuit of happiness.

In search of naked pictures of God in our mirrors,
the internet spent our laws and threw our only hallelujah out the sea—
and Arachne smiled, knowing she’s now the Womb—
and all men come in the belly of eternity in order to be.
 Feb 2014 Sir B
Theia Gwen
Roses are sprouting
The violets in bloom
The rain is falling hard
Just like I am for you
I don't know why I wrote this. It's not even April. It's not even March. This just kinda popped into my mind.
 Feb 2014 Sir B
Theia Gwen
They say that love is blind
But unfortunately hate can make you blind
To a love that's right in front of you
Darling, untie the blindfold,
Open the curtains,
You're drowning so deep in your self loathing
You can't see how many people are jumping in after
Trying to save you from yourself
 Feb 2014 Sir B
Emily Tyler
I think
I'm finally
In a place
Where being so sore
That walking up
A flight of
Thirteen stairs
Makes my legs burn
Feels good to me.

They say I'm getting stronger.
I think they're right.
 Feb 2014 Sir B
Emily Tyler
 Feb 2014 Sir B
Emily Tyler
I hate airplanes.
I hate them
More than
I've ever hated.

Except the flight
From Dulles
To Ft. Lauderdale.
I like that.

Especially at night
When it feels like
Can be caught with
A thin fishing line
Twenty feet away

And eventually you
Go off the mainland
And can't tell where
The water starts
The stars stop.

Then you see a
Sudden line of lights below
And beyond that
An infinity of bright bursts
Of lights
And lamps.

All darkness,
Then suddenly

I really hate planes.

But not the flight
From Dulles
To Ft. Lauderdale
At night.
I love that.
 Feb 2014 Sir B
Emily Tyler
I can't fall asleep
On those nights
When I
Don't even know
If you'll be here
When I wake up.

Those nights
All nights.
 Feb 2014 Sir B
Emily Tyler
I glare at it
During last period,
Jumping too high
But not high enough
To reach the swinging rope.

I'm in history,
And some glazed-over teacher
Is pointing at the
Chalkboard which has
Tiny scratches that look like words
Scribbled all over.

But I don't look at my notes,
Because my neck is craning
Too far back
To look at the rope
That is
My two and a half hours of freedom.

A single note is released into the halls
And the students chace it
And I leap into the air
Because the rope
Is reachable
And I grab it.

I begin to climb.

I sit by you on the
Dirt-dusted tile floor
Outside the gym
And we work on algebra
Or english if it's a good day.

And don't get me wrong,
I hate the familiar stench of homework
As much as
The next
Hunchbacked highschooler.
The rope stings my hands
While I climb.
You numb the burn.

But I have practice
And the rope is easy to climb
And I reach the top
In two and a half hours
And you get into
The yellow sardine can
That goes to your neighborhood.

And all of my muscles ache when you go.
Two and a half hours between school and crew practice.
 Feb 2014 Sir B
1.   Stop looking for constellations in people who don’t even have a star in them
2. Just because your veins
Just because your head
Just because your lungs
Feel like they’re about to explode
They aren’t
3. Loneliness is normal so if it at anytime it pierces your skin
Buy an earing
4. Your sanity is not determined by all the times
You screamed in your mind and no one listened
5. Putting your heart in the hands of people
Who only crush it isn’t brave
It’s foolish
6. Stop acting like a spoiled brat
Clean up the mess you made
and apologize
no matter what its always your fault
7. He isn’t an ocean
You can’t drown
But neither can you swim
Stay away from him
8. Sunsets and rainbows
Weren’t created so you
Could enjoy them
But look at them
Like they were
9. The walls you built
Around your kingdom
Will one day be knocked down
Sometimes it’s okay to surrender
10. Even though
Most people don’t have the answer
It’s okay to keep questioning
11. Your insecurities will eat you from
the inside out
be sure to order fries with that
12. No one is better or worse than you
We are all skin
And bone
And flesh
One day all of us
Will have to give back
The stardust we took
Don’t forget everything will end
So will you

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