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To sit back, and behold the universe, she of old
her magnificence dwarfed, by only her silence
a cold calm it is, a true death to fantasies
to her is anger unknown, and pretense a disease
she makes no claims, of a past of yore
no books, no bones, no ancient folklore
She is at once wide awake, and in a deep sleep
but she has no dreams, just stars in streams
Millions of burning giants, tumbling around in a race
thrown apart and hurtling radiantly through space
But even with vast and glorious citizens
naively do we pretend a grasp of her essence
some content to accuse a creator for her presence
she treats our illusions with no derision
she destroys with ease, what took her millenia to create
but nothing is destroyed, just reshaped, in a new fate
a picture of modesty is the Universe so immense
she abhors all show, avoids all pretense
not a word does she speak, nor a glance too intense
She feigns no knowledge of her timeless existence
Often does one wonder, what plans she foments
but she has no motive, nor desires that her torment
All one can truly say, is that she feels no bias
She wanted to see herself, so she tried us.
But here we sit in arrogance, calling her just a creation
when what she really is, is endless, an eternal congregation
of stars and novas and pulsars and a billion others
She invites us to look, to look ever further
to see the nothing, and the everything all together.
I am the Universe, and the Universe is me.
One cannot stress too much,
the necessity of staying in touch
when the heart grows of someone fond,
laughing and dancing with them to life's song
it forgets all passage of time
gets attached to them, like two sides of a dime
but often times we must part ways
often times we are parted for days
and we long for the joy of their company again
though we think that the bond is retained
even if we were not to stay in touch
the heart is a fickle creature as such
it will quickly find a new object of affection
make a new friend, and forget that old relation
so if you cherish our friendship very much
I ask you my friend, do stay in touch.
One day we may be reunited again
Till that day let's keep alive the flame
of our lovely kinship, and hope to reclaim
some day, all our past joy again.
I was guilty of ignoring an old friend, and so wrote myself a reminder. :)
A piece of you
Reflecting back
The bitter words in your mouth
Too raw to speak
A poet is
Someone in pain
And someone in love
Someone who looks at the world
Through a kaleidoscope
Who takes a magnifying glass to each
And every
Word you say
And lets them imprint on their heart
A poet is
A star gazer
A dreamer
A chaser of
The improbable
But hopes anyway
A poet is
Tissue paper skin
A heart of glass
And a soul of titanium

A poet is
A sharp tongue
And a gentle kiss
She is a sob
He is a sigh
A poet is
The sun at midnight
Bright and
But cloaked in a darkness
They cannot shake
The brightest day
And the darkest night
A poet is
The human experience
A paradox
An oxymoron
So complicatedly

A poet is
A lover
Who refuses
To stop wearing their heart on their sleeve
No matter how much it bleeds
But rolls them up
So you can’t see
The blood stains

A poet
Is Poetry
On a winding stair, that leads particularly nowhere
each flight we save, to be lost is grave
the winds they flee, over a starry sea
and our hands are clutched, our hearts in touch

As a wisp of a cloud, flits sultrily by
and the yawning wave, wets our toes, and tries
to lure us in, to the hungry waters within
where doom is us, should we look in its eyes

We lay awake, gleaning much from the sky
she seems subdued, the sands softly sigh
a dragonfly dodders by, so slowly alive
we stare at nothing, as it stirs inside
Some days, I am lost within.
Ah love! You irascible delight!
Stop now, I beg you, you've kept me up all night
It is now soon light, and I would like to sleep
Why torment me so, what gain do you see
You have charmed me silly, and I'm utterly willing
to jump when you say, or while the day away
like I have the night, in your delirious sway

I see you dance, as you often do, and wish I could too
I would hold you close, and we would waltz to the blues
And were you to smile, my heart would be lost
What I'd give, to  melt into your eyes, it would be no loss

I stand a ways from you, and can not come closer
But I am tethered by a thread, that tugs my old heart
just like your laugh, affects my composure
drowning in the magic, as your enchantment starts

If time were to stop, and distance of little import
I'd whisk you away, to a place without towers or roads
we'd bask in the glow of each other's affection
while we sipped on wine, and danced away our woes
If wishes were more than just that, wishes...
  Sep 2014 Siddharth Penmetcha
my town
where wild flowers grow
between tram tracks.
there was a time when
it was hardly morning,
no bridge into daylight.

walls had ears,
neighbors had eyes
whispering behind the curtains
there was an emptiness in the guts
of the city
and poetry locked in the drawers,
Borges was read under the blankets
while Dostoievski was  a comforter:
demons were embedded.

yeah, people were clapping and smiling
watching the nub of history, numb
they had a life to live,
what can you say?

one day the radio
burst on in the streets
some were shivering in the attic
"we are free", they said
"we are free",
came the echo in trance

"shhhhh"! said others,
let us wipe the blood
don't disturb the sacrificed
so we can sleep
without dreams

it's Thursday in my town
streets are weary
and our souls are
slowly expanding
Thank you, Eliot, for this choice! I am glad that this poem was chosen for the Daily Poem because for me it is a reminder that people died for freedom and struggled against oppression in times when "Cruelty knits a snare,/And spreads his baits with care", as the poet says. (William Blake, The Human Abstract)
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