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You fix in me what is broken
What was stolen by those I trusted
What was lost at the ******'s hand
A hand that was his ****
A pain so carefully hidden and nurtured that I thought the pain was me.
You let me use your eyes and then I could finally see.
I wasn't to blame. I wasn't insane.
It wasn't a bad dream or a fantasy gone astray.
It was ****. That's the totality of what was done.
No softer word, no kinder thought.
They ***** me. For a time I thought it was my fault.
I drifted. Lost without a tether.
Through the darkest space and deepest valleys.
Sometimes I would chance upon a stream and see my reflection.
The boy who caused it, who deserved it, who must have liked it.
Otherwise why would they have done it? Again and again
And again and again and again again again again.
No fun to read, but try having lived it.
Sometimes I would find someone to cling to.
But I couldn't explain and they couldn't understand
Because I didn't understand. So they left.
And alone I would wonder, untethered.
My soul hiding, curled in a ball. Afraid of everyone
Especially those I loved. The ones who ***** me
The ones who didn't stop it.
Broken. Broken as a child. Broken as a boy.
Broken as a man. So broken I couldn't be a man.
Locked in pain. Locked in fear. With my broken pieces.
But you.
You fix what is broken inside me.
Shubham Roy Mar 2016
Were I now, like you in heaven,

In estranging me, you escape in agony

To the deepest bottom of a cavern,

Wheresoever you are, with you,

Mylove shall take a plunge too.

Since I hardly find a way, let us hug and part

I can’t let you have more of me, no more…

I’m done, ‘m glad with all my heart

Oh such easily, I can free, free me of all dirt.

At the last gasp of love’s latest breath,

Trust, ashamed, kneeling by its bed of death,

Friendly lies being brought into,

Tear drops proving, they love the lashes too.

I woke up in a pool of sweat,

‘Nightmare!’; ‘Reality’, for that to happen,

Do you think I will ever let?

And hey, do you think, you play it fair?

You had myheart, thrice to tear!

I wonder what eyes, love put in my head,

They can image nothing beyond you,

Only if I knew where my judgement fled…

I swear, I would have never let go of you.

Oh I remember it was the tears,

That hid the marvel in you,

Leaving me with destiny and fears.

I don’t fear a loss now,

Untrue love, Untrue love, Untrue love;

Your mind is light, soon lost for new love,

I know such evilness doesn’t brew in you!

I was the one who leapt, across the night

You were right there, even when I wept.

I won’t let unease topple me,

With you not near; Have had enough

Of toiling, with you sarcastic afar!
Do check my blog at for more of my latest pieces... With love
Shubham Roy Jan 2016
Aren’t you quite like the rainy day?

That very day, with enormous clouds at bay;

Too lazy were they, to waft past,

However, I ne’er wished to lose them fast

Oops, don’t you hate the drizzle and puddles?

Swear I, they won’t ever pose you as hurdles!

I can’t let the chauffeur drive you,

To the wintry den, across autumn’s gate…

For, you are more lovely and more temperate.

And let alone summer, all hell will break lose,

If that’s what you plan to choose!

If I were seeded as lowly as the plain,

You seated much above, in the heaven

Yet should the thoughts of me

Against all odds, ascend to heaven

In honour of my love, to tie the cords!
I planned on something new... Nd why not make this poem an epitome of that newness...keep following fr the upcoming parts...
Embracing the power of thoughts,
Believing in the power of dreams,
Having ink as a way of release,
Yearning to put all feelings on paper,
Getting satisfaction from your written words,
And excited by new words.
Writing it all without fear of being "judged",
Writing because you can,
Writing because you should,
Writing because you must.
Its more than a hobby,its more of a lifestyle.
Shubham Roy Jan 2016
She had eyes of intrigue,
Utterly, she waved the wind thick,
Somehow an orphan pollen,
Mastered the wave nd flew,
Intended to ensemble the crew.
That it will get stuck in her ring finger...
And never go off, no one knew!
It's acrostic, written fr the "sublime she"...!
Shubham Roy Jan 2016
She listened to him with rapt attention.
Worried, he awaited a reply.
"Well written!",she said.
His face dimmed, faking a smile.
Building life together is tougher, he understood!
But why not scribble a few more shots?
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