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 Nov 2017 sharon
Renée C
 Nov 2017 sharon
Renée C
I don't want to fall asleep
only to wake
to another day
without you in it
 Nov 2017 sharon
 Nov 2017 sharon
the worst thing you ever did to me
was give me hope again,

only to take it back
when you were not bored anymore
so hahahhahahahah *******
 May 2017 sharon
Ryan Holden
As she breaks and burns,
Through this narrowing night,
Her ointment of prowess
Takes over the duty,
A fraction of lumens,
Yet just as bright
To those glaring eyes.

As she howls over this hill,
She echoes through trees,
Snapping twigs as she goes,
Turning us to stone,
As we stare
At medusa of the night.
A poem about the moon!
 May 2017 sharon
 May 2017 sharon
So I sit in the bathtub,
as the shower head above me
sends water hitting up against
my back
my shoulders
my long brown hair...
it occurs to me
that the water
that was once trickling
down my spine
is now circling the drain;
flowing so effortlessly away.
It reminds me
that everything is temporary.
That soon one day
the pain,
the hurt,
the agony,
and the sadness
that I am feeling
will circle the drain too;
and I will be
okay again.
 May 2017 sharon
Haddie Brenner
I'm up,
Just in case.
I do,
Just in case.
I grind,
Just in case.
I collect,
Just in case.
One day,
Two days,
Just in case.
I store,
Just in case.
Four days,
Five days,
Just in case.
In case I'm guiltless.
In case I'm chaste.
I'm collecting mine days,
Just in case.
 May 2017 sharon
Twinkling brightly
The sun lights up morning sky
No raindrops today
It's a beautiful summer day today x
 May 2017 sharon
 May 2017 sharon
I've got the rip down just right
The soft tear, grated misnomer
Perforated here in my middle
Like I was meant to come apart
Out of view
Hot with friction
Hot with longing
Kinetic energy
The low sound of cutting construction paper
Thick with each blade passing
A sharp kiss
Gripping like this
The right tool for suicide in the wrong hands
I have hands like those
******* I'm dissolving in a tear drop
It never left the eye
The sting feels like drowning
in pieces
Like paper.
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