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I'm pretty sure all poetry has left me.
As if it just packed up and hit the road.
Like my words no longer dance or sing.
Like they have forgotten all melodies.
Assimilated tone deafness.
Compound letdowns retract vulnerabilities.
Brick walls and leather skin replace possibilities.
Reckless love and whimsical fantasies,
Replaced by ***** diapers and piles of laundry.
Consonants and vowels blend to mush.
Aches and accomplishments are one in the same.
All of my agony has turned to apathy,
And I wonder.
How could I let poetry walk away from me?
How have I become so broken that I can no longer write?
Words have no ability to woe me.
Vocabulary is no longer my saving grace.
Void of creativity.
Like somehow life has gotten too messy for me to express.
Series of catastrophes and celebrations run together.
And I feel lost.
And I feel blessed.
But oh so empty.
Poetry come back to me.
I'm hers, undeniably,
But I'm afraid to make her mine.
I'm too comfortable by myself
So I fail to give her time.
A better man will make her his,
Then I'll rightly be left behind.
All because I'm an introvert
And a coward combined.
She's amazing but I spend too much time with myself.
 May 2015 Shivam bhavsar
I finally got a job, but it can't pay for my rent.
I finally got a girl, but in a week she'll be a thousand miles away.
I finally made real friends, but already they have built a wall between each-other.
I finally thought I had my **** together, but it turns out I dropped just as much as I picked up.
And its my truest belief that all this has happened for a reason.
And that the only thing to do now is have faith and wait.
Because I know that no matter how many plates I stack on in the gym.
I'll never be strong enough to carry this all by myself.
when two hearts come together your world is full of bliss
your heart begins to pound a feeling you cant miss
you will feel excited and full of happiness
very much in love as you both caress

you will feel a glow and so full of pride
you will feel the love as it grows inside
such a lovely feeling as you begin to kiss
that will last for ever and fill your life with bliss

— The End —