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Just hold on,
Don’t fall apart,
I’m right here,
Don’t be consumed by the dark,
I’ll hand you a torch,
We’ll fight off these shadows together,
Just don’t let go,
You’re not alone.
I don't love everything about you.

If I said I did, I would be dishonest.

I don't love the way you hold yourself too arrogantly sometimes

I don't love the way you can be too mean with your jokes,
even though you don't mean them seriously.

I don't love how your sense of humor gets too weird sometimes

I don't love how you just love talking about yourself

I don't love how you can seem so cold and how
you can so easily ignore me to the point of madness.

But I will tell you this.

I do love the way you flash your imperfect teeth into a warm smile
whenever you see me.

I do love your stupid laugh, because it makes me laugh even more
than the joke itself.

I do love the way you talk about your dreams and your views and the world.

I do love how you can surprise me with kindness and attention
when I least expect it.

And most of all, I love how you can make me feel everything
no one else ever could.

And that is why the reasons that I love you
are all so much more important than the reasons why I don't.
I'd love to be the harbor boat
That gently tugs, keeping you afloat
Or perhaps even better yet
The soft comfort of your unmade bed

I'd love to be the garden trowel
The one you use when you plant spring flowers
Or perhaps even better still
The lucky coin in your wishing well

I'd love to be the big red barn
With stacks of hay inside to keep you warm
Or perhaps even more than that
The loving purr from you favorite cat

I'd love to be your private Learjet
To take you places that you've never been
Or perhaps given half a chance
The diamond ring slipped on your left hand

I'd love to be your automobile
The comfort you feel from behind the wheel
Or perhaps to tell the truth
I'd love to be all this and more for you
My allergies ****
I sneezed twenty times today
Please ****** me now
We fool with fire
I love how it turns to ash
It fills people with ire
I watch as they leave in a dash

A sick smile
Something beautiful missed
It is vile
We laugh as we kissed
There exists a world
Consisting of only colors
As magical as a dream
The grass is of electrifying emerald
The sunflowers are dripping of goldenness
It appears as pixels composed of only the brightest colors
Your hair flows of fiery oranges
Your lips are a perfect mixture
Of bold scarlet
And ****** crimson
An artist’s masterpiece
Until he smears it with his paintbrush
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