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 Jan 2019 Shaded Lamp
They disappear into their hideout, like a ****** VIP section in a ******* that I dare not walk into.
No notice, no words, just take what they please.
After an hour a single surface for tea, fake smile and a reveal, I see fake truths come with ease.
Can I learn to rise above, not let the bile ooze from my mouth and cover her skin melting away those perfect lips.
Retreat again.
At once they all emerge.
That silence of chats with my girls is gone, now silk anxiety ripples and spreads.
They've made decisions, huge decisions that will affect me, us, you and them.
They look at me with contempt, I don't deserve this reprieve.
Like Sunday again, and we need to go to church, nod, smile and take the gospel, worship, worship, worship or leave.
 Jan 2019 Shaded Lamp
Snip Snip
 Jan 2019 Shaded Lamp
As a woman, I am buried
I survive but I am buried
I can thrive but still buried
Now I the cut cord and become unburied
It took me some time, but in time
I shook the cobwebs away,
woke up to a Saturday or did I?

at some point someone points the way,
this way to the weekend.

I am as sure as I can be that my eyes were wide open
and I was
watching my breath frost on the cobblestones and then
the room shifted just lifted itself and moved several degrees from true
and if that's true am I still awake, did I wake or am I still sleeping?

That aside,
my eyes are open wide and coffee is in the ***,
not a lot because she says, it's not good for me.

but the dreaming bothers me
as if
someone's sending me
a message
that I cannot decipher,
and they're quite heavy
which is not a word
I use lightly.
 Feb 2018 Shaded Lamp
Jeremy Bean
Letting the vultures pick my bones
For all the love I have disowned
There's no Embrace which I call home
I am more comfortable alone

For all the times that I have tried
To nurse something destined to die
A life derived by hearts of stone
I guess I'm better off alone

Emotions I will not deny
only to wind up crucified
the gray areas I roam
is probably why I am alone
The jubilee line
different take on a journey I make
because a change is as good as a
just doing my best to keep it fresh.

It's Friday and why not?
I know it was Friday a week ago
but things have a way of repeating
on me.

It'd be nice to say that this was the
better way, but it's so bleedin' cold and I'm shivering
if the heating was on and turned up to a reasonable temperature
I'd feel better

and then I'm
at Greenwich,
the 02 must refer to
the Fahrenheit scale.

Canary Wharf and Bermondsey
I can almost see that London bridge
is not falling down it's only sinking
might be me and my poor eyesight

Southwark then Waterloo
what do I do?
get off and wait underneath the clock?
taking stock of my situation and the weather and none whatsoever of the tick tock
I lock my sights on Bond street and the Central line
perhaps an interchange is as good as a rest too.

I missed out Westminster and Green park
easy to do in the dark when it's cold.

I opened my eyes to an announcement
the tannoy tells me Waterloo station is closed

I wasn't getting off there but I could have been
and might have been waiting forever underneath a clock and no one would ever know.

This is a nice line
a twin track to that
time when work wags
Its finger at me.

and that's it
no observations
on my fellow travellers,
possibly because the
carriage is empty,
I'm full of hope
and that's a good line
as well.
 Feb 2018 Shaded Lamp
Mike Hauser
if you and i
were both fireflies
singing to the choir
light up the night
put us in a jar
by the bedside
naturally we'd be
a bright night light
you and i
would dance in time
to the flickering beat
of our tail lights
the glow serene
a wonderful sight
if you and i
were both fireflies
 Mar 2017 Shaded Lamp
Niels Land
**** y'all.                                                                                              

Everythin's spining.                                                                                                
Leaves flying.                                                                                    
Round and round.                                                                            
Sadness floating.                                                                                          
Still here.

**** good it was.
Real lucky I was.
Now scares me.
Forget it !
Remember the funky happy song!
What are you waiting for ?

******* all off, and just leave me alone.
Trumpets are singing.
Time to be sad.
Someone ? A Dagger please ! I'd like to stab my belly.
Maybe that way this feeling will fade away ?

An eraser for the past ?
The asylum is over there dude.
What about you, always looking towards the future ?
Hug it.
I know !! I know I should.
But Past is pulling me back.

That **** ******* feeling.
Don't need it to survive.
But is the salt of existence.
The burger of the life.
Give me the pepper would ya' ?
(the audience is invited to laugh.)

How did she move on ?
A guess ?
Wisdom ?
Or perhaps early Alzheimer.
Just kidding.

Maybe she didn't move on.
Managing only to close her eyes.
Oh come on shut up will ya' ??
Of course she moved on !
What did you expect exept Schwepps ??

Snow falling.
Negative things ramping.
Sun rising.
Positive things shining.
You don't live all year with snow.
Unless you're from Saskatoon. Or maybe Siberia too.

The burger, waiting for salt, increasingly covered by falling snow, got pepper instead.
Lol are you mad ?
Of course not ? And you ?
Neither am I. And what about the other guy over there, with the black hat ?
Dunnow. Looks like he's looking for salt.
Yeah, but seems he doesn't know how to catch it.
Yeah, he thinks snow is falling upon him, but it's salt.
Poor him. What he is looking for is all around him.

**** it.
Thanks for reading ! Any thoughts ? :-)
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