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 May 2015 Sergio MP
 May 2015 Sergio MP
Stop invading my dreams,
It is the only place I feel sane

You could take my heart,  
But for keeps, leave remains

I knew you had priorities,
Only thought I was your main

I'll cut my emotion pipes,
Let it all drain

Till my high is sober,
Till I start to use my brain

Stop invading my dreams,
The only place I feel sane
 May 2015 Sergio MP
Kimberly Rose
my eyes were more blue
but you never did tell me
you liked green seas too
 May 2015 Sergio MP
Blurry Vision
i was there for you when he cheated
i was there when your mother kicked you out
i was there when he cheated again, again, again
i was there when your brother got arrested
i was there when he went to rehab
i was there when he killed himself
i was there when you needed me
i was there when you needed me
i was there

but where were you when i needed help?
I put myself before others but it agrivates me that i'm put on the back burner.
School is over.  It is too hot
to walk at ease.  At ease
in light frocks they walk the streets
to while the time away.
They have grown tall.  They hold
pink flames in their right hands.
In white from head to foot,
with sidelong, idle look—
in yellow, floating stuff,
black sash and stockings—
touching their avid mouths
with pink sugar on a stick—
like a carnation each holds in her hand—
they mount the lonely street.
the point
of almost drowning
then doing it

finding air
finding the loophole

they like you
from atop the balcony
your scream, deadly

are you loved?

shades of gray
shades of some romance
what is this ****?

fourth grade
so strange
first crush

dead in my boots
to say no

oh that's where
I'm a big boy now
growing on up

it burns my throat
found it in the fridge

I could start fires
with this stuff
I thought

fires that would
burn and burn
into the night

roman candles
that burned out
from the tears
A constant struggle
In which hatred fuels the heart and soul
The sky blackened by smog
Emitted by the fallen
The stench is unbearable
They are unable to see the light
Focused on the battle

Words like gunfire
Penetrate the skin
We are badly wounded
Into the trenches
We are bleeding
Inside and out

Did we ask to die?
When we signed our body away
A meat shield
For another man's war
They stand behind us
Watching us fall
It was my choice now
They will **** us all
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