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 Apr 2017 serendipity
You shouldn’t be there
At the back of my mind
You shouldn’t be
My morning and waking hour thoughts
You shouldn’t be
my 11:11 mantra
You shouldn’t be
my wish upon a shooting star
You shouldn’t be there
It’s very unconventional
You should be here, right here
Right beside me, here in my arms
My entry for Day 4.
What's wrong with you humans?
You have water in your eyes!
Stop that!?
Please don't cry
not with those
basset hound eyes.

Don't look at me like that
with those droopy eyes!
Don't worry about me
I'll be fine just...
don't look at me
with those...
basset hound eyes.

Do you remember
the good old days?
Where I clang my dish bowl
every single day
or the time we took long walks
around the neighborhood
as the neighbors smiled
and began to talk.

Do you remember,
when I was attacked by a hawk
and y'all came to rescue me ?
I was so in pain that I couldn't even talk
I could've died,
but I didn't
Didn't I?

Therefore y'all
shouldn't cry
not with those
basset hound eyes.

These memories will never die
and neither will mine.
God knows that it's time
So please don't cry
not with those
basset hound eyes.

Before I leave
promise me
that all of you
will never forget me.
This is a way of life
and I must go now
It's my...time.

Therefore y'all
shouldn't cry
not with those...

**I love y'all and let God
be your guide.
Don't worry I will always
be by your side
R.I.P Oscar Brown 2004-2017
 Mar 2017 serendipity
Rachel W
I lay with my sister who sleeps carefree
Under the boughs of our mother's tree
I look upon her beauty with jealous gaze
Our love for each other an arduous maze

She calls, "Little sister come play with me,"
We jump and we run and we splash in the sea
I cling to her side as the waters rise
Finding her company strong and wise

For my sister I would do most anything
Around my heart she has tied her string
Everyday she paints a picture of perfection
I can only hope that I am a just reflection

Following her footsteps in all that she does
Such is my fate, and always was
I do not mind it, for I love my sister so
Her kindness and beauty like the pure mountain snow
For my beloved Sister, I will always love you and look up to you, even when I want to kick your ****. PS, this is better when read aloud ;p
 Mar 2017 serendipity
Little Wren
Be gentle to yourself.
You have fought for this skin,
These eyes,
This voice.

Be gentle to the child inside of you.
When it comes to you, looking up at you
With large, watering eyes,
Brush that loose strand behind the ear
And tell them

Everything is okay

Because no one else will.

Let your thoughts devour you
If they must,
But remember to come up
For air.

Be gentle to the tiny voice inside of you,
That makes you leave your bed every day
That only wants the best
For you.

In the end,
You are all you will have.
And when you leave,
You’re going alone.

Be gentle to yourself
I’m sure if you were able to,
You would swallow this world

Speak !!

( now that all


Are gone )


Now that all the mighty deeds are done

And only    

Childish men



What is there to say ?

All we hear are the whining fornicators

Wailing for their sold purity

• (!) •

flabby breasted pretenders

Of femininity !

Poking into anything that trembles

Getting poked by anything that moves at all


All the righteousness has faded

The poets write ******* and try to sell

It to the world

Of growing children

Whose lives they destroy

All the heroes are gone

The poet !



No longer the revealer of Law


Sings for praise

In the ******* of popularity

And dies

The chains have become a part of me, as I lost count of all the years. Endless minutes passed me by, hands to clumsy to catch my tears.

I can't help but know deep inside, that my soul just wastes away. Confined in this solitude, where I was forever put to stay.

Every story has a witch, whose ugly cackle can make you shake. Evil that can't easily be defeated, by true love or a wooden stake. 

Shadows watch me while I sleep, and whisper that I must stay. Hope seems to dim now, with each passing day.

A prince was supposed to rescue me, but age has now set in. Youth has faded beyond the years, the signs of time carved into skin.

Fairy tales did me in, I realized as I step closer towards the drop. Beautifully poised I finally took that leap, knowing it's the only way to make it stop.
 Jan 2016 serendipity
Blue Flask
It's just when you think you've done it
just when you feel you are finally ready
to put down the sad books
the slow melodic songs
the darkness that won't go away
It's right when you find a beacon
and have been using it for a while
That when you get close to it
The beacon turns off
and you don't know how you lasted in the darkness
without that little bit of light
to guide you through

the lights are off
and the city is cold
the bottles are empty
and the people are distant

the comforts of home are a dream
I miss the smell of you
laying in my bed
the thought
of the lines that make up your face
slowly drifting away  

These words are flowing yet again
and this time I know I'm lost in the darkness
moving away from the lake
away from the only lighthouse I've known
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