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Oetting  Feb 2015
Oetting Feb 2015
Pitter pat Pitter pat.
Like rain above my head.

Pitter pat Pitter pat.
Blood flows to it's bed.

Pitter pat Pitter pat.
Making a puddle of red.

Pitter pat Pitter pat.
Enough has been shed.

Pitter pat Pitter pat.
My deathbed up ahead.

Pitter pat Pitter pat.
Enough has been said.

Pitter pat Pitter pat.
To death I be wed.

Pitter pat Pitter pat.
A war makes a cold deathbed.

Daylight 4U2C Feb 2015
On the window.
On the sill.
Does the child.
from your mouth.
You say you don't,
I know you do.
You say you won't,
I know you will.
You pitter-pat all the time until-
until you pitter-pat your way,
to driving out insanity.
Yo­u pitter-patted through the house.
You pitter-pat like a measly mouse.
You say you don't,
I know you do.
You say you won't,
I know you will.
The rain against the window resembles,
the sound after a pitter-pat.
You clasp your lips,
say you'll make no sound,
but you pitter-pat
all the time;
all around.
You say you don't,
I know you do.
You say you won't,
I know you will.
You pitter-pattering,
little rat-like
Priya Patel Mar 2011
Pitter patter, pitter patter
I awoke this morning 
To the soft tapping of water
Against the many panes
Of my bedroom windows

The sound is mesmerizing
Pitter patter, pitter patter
I watched and listened silently
As rivulets of water chased
Each other in a race to the end

The rumbling of thunder is followed
By sudden flashes of bright lights
Pitter patter, pitter patter
The skies are singing me a song
The many sounds a unique symphony

Endless streaks of water
Float like clouds down the panes
For moments at a time it is quiet, then
Pitter patter, pitter patter
The chasing of water continues

Wrapped in my warm fuzzy blanket
I sit on a benchseat by the window
Watching the rain cleanse away
All of the previous days' stresses
Pitter patter, pitter patter
Brianna  Sep 2013
Pitter Patter
Brianna Sep 2013
Pitter Patter against the roof as I climb up those stairs with the weight of the world on my shoulders. Pitter Patter against the cold, wet windows…As I stare out into the cloudy day with tears pouring like the rain. Pitter Patter goes my heart as I start to sink more and more into the depression haunting my soul. Pitter Patter goes the dogs’ tail as he lies watching me stare into the nothingness that has become my life. What did I do wrong this time? Has failure and defeat finally set in? My heart beats… slowly but surely I know I am still alive. Pitter Patter as I walk down those stairs with nothing to lose. Pitter Patter against those cold, wet windows…I look for a sign of something more. Pitter Patter goes my heart as I walk back out the door with a feeling of hope in my soul. Pitter Patter goes the dogs’ tail as he walks next to me down the street searching for that tiny thing called hope…
R B M  Nov 2019
Fresh Dew Scent
R B M Nov 2019
The rain comes down
In sprinkles
Pit pit pit
Riding my bike down the hill
Feeling the gentle droplets of rain
Smelling the fresh dew scent

The rain comes down
At a decent speed now
Pitter pitter pitter
Hanging my jacket on the rack
Shaking out my wet hair
Smelling the fresh dew scent

The rain comes down
Pouring now
Pitter pat pitter pat pitter pat
Opening the window
Grabbing new book
Smelling the fresh dew scent

The rain comes down
Hard and fast
Pitter patter pitter patter pitter patter
Shutting the window as it gets to wet
Closing a finished book
Wishing for the smell of the fresh dew scent

The rain comes down
Flashes and booms overhead
Pitter patter flash boom pitter patter flash boom pitter patter flash boom
Hiding under the covers
Anxiety making its presence known
Trying to hold on to the smell of the fresh dew scent
Pitter patter on my window pane
The rain is my solace
It keeps me sane

From the truth of my loss
And the little I’ve gained
Pitter patter on my window pane

Pitter patter on my window pane
It’s ceasing right now
I’m getting insane
Is the heartache I’m feeling
Worth the price of giving
Pitter patter on my window pane

Pitter patter on my window pane
The freedom I gave
Is my sentence of shame
Because I am not strong enough
To pretend I am tough
So please don’t stop the
Pitter patter on my window pane
moss Oct 2015
what's this liquid falling from the sky
with its pitter-patter, pitter-patter?
to the drought of summer, it says "goodbye"
with its splitter-splatter, splitter-splatter!
look and watch as the world grows vibrant
as it pitter-patters, pitter-patters!
oh, thank you, dear clouds, for being our hydrant
as it splitter-splatters, splitter-splatters!
watch as the parched lives are finally quenched
by its pitter-patter, pitter-patter!
the once dry earth at last is drenched
by its splitter-splatter, splitter-splatter!
It just rained here today for the first time in almost three months, at least the first time it's rained beyond a slight mist, and I'm so happy.
Ian J Caldwell Aug 2014
Pitter patter of the rainy view from my porch
Cars wiz by, some with urgency like there is really somewhere to be
The rain splashes a cool mist upon my feet that's oh so refreshing
The sun fighting hard to burst through the line of clouds,
Maybe hoping to help turn this gloominess around,
Pitter patter

Pitter Patter of the rain falling hard
The aroma of fresh coffee steaming from my cup
Flowers lie in wait to gain what they need to bloom again
Clouds zoom by as the rain tries to slow
Pitter patter

Pitter patter of the rain as it slides down the smooth surface of fresh growing tomatoes,
A pink yard flamingo hiding behind the vines
The newspaper sits in a plastic bag as it waits to be put inside
It feels like the world is barely awake or maybe it's just me,
There are so many feelings to feel and sights to see
But good morning rain!
You are welcome
You are welcome from the place that you fell from
The sound of rain dissipates as the sun shines near

Pitter patter
Pitter patt
Pitter pa
A view from my porch one morning.
Pitter patter,
pitter patter.

The rain echoed in your head,
as you tried to remember what the drizzle sang
On that cloudy noon in November.

With its rhythmic tune
And endless repetition,
It danced its way to your sun roof
Staining the back of your mind with images of tear drops,
shed by the clouds.
For the skies missed your company.

The rain drops,
Quietly tapped on the,
Glass panes of your apartment; reminding you to use your umbrella.

Their warning useless,
Because you never wanted one.
Never needed one.
Even as the cool shower
came rolling through town.

You were there: Umbrellaless.

The dreary weather here seemed so...

not to anyone but you..

But it was as if the rain that day,
brought a hint of restlessness.
The aroma of coffee shops
became tempting,
like little boy's feet
drawn to sidewalks full of puddles.

They teased and tickled your exposed skin,
Those parts unsheltered by your favorite grey cotton sweater

The rain left the scent of wet pavements and fallen leaves,
lingering on the tip of your nose and top.

It seemed like one of those days:
Reading your book;
Your body tangled up in the couch;
A blanket to warm you;
Freshly brewed tea on hand,
as the endless chime of drizzling kept you company.

To you,
it was the most sensible thing.

The bustle of the city went mute as you walked along the avenues and streets.
(Especially without an umbrella.)
For where you went, you felt the rain.
While others got wet.

And for that brief stroll around the city,
slightly damp.

You were lost in the rain.
Calm and free.

For the rain was your friend,
And you were his..
Pitter patter,
pitter patter,
pitter patter.

I hope it  rains today.    

Sent from my iPad
It kinda drizzled today
JJ Hutton  Jun 2010
fifth of july
JJ Hutton Jun 2010
a little pitter-patter,
postponed the celebration
and clatter.

a little pitter-patter,
**** on our family gatherings
like it made no matter.



no screaming lights,
the night to

boys went on before.
went to unjustified war.
felt the hot

of hatred,
of lead.

old polititcians
a downpour of pretty promises.

in the form of

give 'em pride
and a rifle.
push 'em a trifle
to strengthen their hide.



postponed 'til the fifth.
so we could remember
dead boys

in convenience.
Copyright 2009 by Joshua J. Hutton

— The End —