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Lawrence Hall Feb 2018
Lefttard fascist libtard Russian troll loony mother * *er freaks stupid idiotic childish rant Antifa **** troll comrade idiots like you tide pod generation snowflakes * you Marxist serial felon MSM useful idiots street justice fanboy alt.right * dunal trumpf lunatic leftist *phile ** * in your * your ****** loser freak pos pack heat ammosexuals smh screwball lefties community organizers trumptards professional agitators if we could ban idiots like you you donkey *s you lying * comrade Lefttard fascist libtard Russian troll loony mother * *er freaks stupid idiotic childish rant Antifa **** troll comrade idiots like you tide pod generation snowflakes * you Marxist serial felon MSM useful idiots street justice fanboy alt.right culy dunal trumpf lunatic leftist *phile ** * in your * your ****** loser freak pos pack heat ammosexuals smh screwball lefties community organizers trumptards professional agitators if we could ban idiots like you you donkey *s you lying * comrade Lefttard fascist libtard Russian troll loony mother * *er freaks stupid idiotic childish rant Antifa **** troll comrade idiots like you tide pod generation snowflakes * you Marxist serial felon MSM useful idiots street justice fanboy alt.right culy dunal trumpf lunatic leftist *phile ** * in your * your ****** loser freak pos pack heat ammosexuals smh screwball lefties community organizers trumptards professional agitators if we could ban idiots like you you donkey *s you lying * comrade Lefttard fascist libtard Russian troll loony mother * *er freaks stupid idiotic childish rant Antifa **** troll comrade idiots like you tide pod generation snowflakes * you Marxist serial felon MSM useful idiots street justice fanboy alt.right culy dunal trumpf lunatic leftist *phile ** * in your * your ****** loser freak pos pack heat ammosexuals smh screwball lefties community organizers trumptards professional agitators if we could ban idiots like you you donkey *s you lying ** comrade

*Employ all caps and strings of exclamation marks ad lib
Wuji Seshat Oct 2014
Fear too is an epidemic, it stretches out like
An incubation period for a kind of doom
Population control, whispered a silent elite
Who engineer our wallets, our GMO food, our futures

Ebola was a convenient way, of making us fear
Who we once were again, black as a Nigerian
We died alone in deathbeds, isolated plastic containers
For who we once were, our organs giving out

Infection was a spider hand, MSM gave us
False positives, but could the main-stream-media
Be trusted any longer? Wasn’t this just a matter
Of time, an algorithm set loose upon the billions?

Fear is that place, where people go in adversity
It’s hypnotic like an audience at a concert
It’s contagious how the will for self-preservation can spread
Fight of flee, but where to run, out of the cities?

The new normal is a kind of paranoia
While we watch the situation very closely
Every hour there is underground news about
Another case in another country, Ebola isn’t

Your grandmother that only likes good climates
She’s an engineered hypothesis of how mobility
Causes any true pandemic to become a flamboyant outbreak
The comet that signals black plagues has been seen

Fear too is a weapon, when you can’t stop the world
Because it’s too costly to do so, and you can’t
Tell the world not to fly because we’re too free
We left Africa a long time ago, but who among us
Would stand 20 meters from their open graves?
Victor Thorn  May 2014
Victor Thorn May 2014
I will not go get baptized
for I fear the judgment

To live in sin and
descend to the six-foot pit
sits better.

An empty label lingers
until you’re deemed clean
for further consumption.

Our filled label flies
off the tongue like
sour milk.

So come, fellow MSM–
let’s go down to the river
to pray.
May God have mercy on our souls.
Ryan O'Leary  May 2023
Ryan O'Leary May 2023

It is where one finds

processed views with

short shelf lives easily

digested preprepared

for the non discerning

palate, adult versions

of the middle graded.

It is only independent

producers provide an

alternative version of

organic content which

requires effort to find

and they who do look

are viewed sceptically.

Difference is difficult

same is common and

easier accessed thus

eliminating the need of

approval or explaining

the products sources,

it's Supermarket News.
MSM Aug 2017
I was finally getting over this stupid thing called love
But something happened on that day, during that encounter,
However disinclined I was , I couldn't help myself
It was a moment of weakness and I gave in
Was it desire or was it the feeling of love I felt for you
Whatever it was I was under your spell and I guess I could say
you were the spark that rekindled the flame in my aching heart
MSM Oct 2017
Would it be ok if I took some of your time?
Would it be ok if I wrote you a rhyme?
Would it be ok if I opened my heart?
Would it be ok if I took on the part
Of being your man and showed you a view,
One that only a real man could do?
Would it be ok if I could make you smile.
Would it be ok if I were to replace
All the men in your past that just wouldn't do
And vow to be faithful and always be true?
Would it be alright to look in your eyes?
Would it be alright to never tell lies?
Would it be alright to find a way?
Would it be alright to long for the day
To pull you close and whisper in your ear
And tell you our feelings are nothing to fear?
Would it be ok if I took some of your time?
Would it be ok if I wrote you a rhyme?
To tell you there's nothing I'd rather do
Than spend my whole life loving only you!
Ryan O'Leary  Jun 2018
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2018
There is nothing fake about
the date in Main Stream Media
and it is on every page just in
case you don’t believe it.
MSM  Aug 2017
MSM Aug 2017
Your love becomes an obsession for me
So strong I don't have room to breathe
I can't help but suffocate inside of me
Being so weak,I just want to live!
I try to look for a reason to console my mind
But it's blinded by the pain and agony of my heart
I want to sleep to forget
But your memories are like an endless loop
Which keep playing in my mind
And all the noise , it keeps me awake
Like a bullet it's stuck in the back of my head
Listening to the wise me,
I try to embrace the reality
That you are gone forever
And I will never see you again
But again I find that as hard as looking into a dark grave
And I run, like I always have
But this time there is no place to hide
There is just no escape
MSM  Aug 2017
I'm Free
MSM Aug 2017
It's been a long time,
But I'm finally free,
Before I could even start the climb,
I fell from the tree,
It wasn't easy I can assure you that ,
But I'm glad I can just push it under the mat,
I did everything to show you how I really feel,
But I guess your heart was made of steel,
I was shackled in the chains of love,
At last I'm now free as a dove......
MSM  Jan 2018
I know you
MSM Jan 2018
I know you from the way you bring out the absolute best in me
I know you from the way you push me to do things I’m scared of
I know you because you’re always there to catch me when things go wrong
I know you because you make the little things in life fun

I know you by how you believe in me more than even I do
I know you by the way you’ve taught me to believe in love and all those sappy songs
I know you by how you stood by me when others didn’t
I know you by how you’re able to understand me more than anyone can

I know you from the way I hate you
I hate you because I can’t live without you,
So I know you and you know me
And baby that’s the way I always want it to be .....
MSM  Jan 2018
Favourite Song!
MSM Jan 2018
Listen if you want,
I’ll sing you a song,
It’s my favorite one,
The song about love;
About love that lasts
For ever and ever long.
In the melody of this song
I’ll open the door to my soul
And without any parole
You’ll hear the words,
They belong to the only one,
Who means the world to me,
The one I would to love to live with happily,
The one my heart longs for,
The one I am on the right shore.
This song is about my flights
In the very blue sky.
This song is about my swims
In the seas and oceans
On the big waves,
Waves of passion and love emotions.
Come on! Sing along!
If you want to know
How real love grows
Come on! Go!
You’re the missing piece I need,the song inside of me...

— The End —