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preservationman Dec 2023
My realization of Miracle on 34th Street that came to life
My years working for Macy’s Corporate at the Flagship Herald Square Tower
It was the Macy’s and Gimbel’s competitive era
The miracle started with Macy’s was planning a big advertising campaign
The story begins with a Macy’s Buyer and Gimbel’s Buyer having lunch
Both Buyers asked the same question of what was happening at both companies
Macy’s and Gimbel’s were foes
Being both dominance on Herald Square back then, and Macy’s still is
They always had to outdo the other
As it turned out, the Macy’s Buyer told the Gimbel’s Buyer exactly what was happening at Macy’s
So how, Gimbels heard about the advertising campaign that Macy’s was going to illustrate
For Gimbels that was an appreciate
Strategy beat to the punch
Gimbel’s presented Macy’s advertising campaign making it there’s
This made Mr. Edward Finkelstein, Macy’s former CEO President frustrated
Mr. Finkelstein had another theory with another idea
Counter attack being that Mr. Finkelstein had someone spy on Gimbel’s to see what they were planning
Ready, aim and observe

Gimbel’s had their plan so sophisticated and complex that Macy’s own couldn’t figure out, but presented only a portion the best they could
The Gimbel’s plan didn’t come out the way Macy’s encountered
Macy’s loss on that score
Later that morning at precisely 10:00 am, Mr. Finkelstein had email sent to everyone at Macy’s that we are not to discuss any Macy’s business with Gimbel’s
Miracle defeat in devastation of disappointment
Nonetheless, miracle seen through both companies of Macy’s and Gimbel’s
My yesteryear back
I worked in Mr. Edward Finkelstein’s Executive Office at one time assisting Veronica, Mr. Finkelstein’s Secretary in various Typing projects
I took a Typing test at Macy’s and tested at 95 words per minute with only made on error
Because of that, I was asked from time to time to assist in his office
M. Edward Finkelstein is deceased
Miracle through being competitive
My history in exploring
My story
Miracles have it for all to remember
They can happen anywhere
Miracle on 34th Street
Upbeat and neat
preservationman Aug 2019
Many movies have portrayed “Miracle on 34th” versions beyond the actual
But I actually worked during the ordeal
My story is certainly for real
I have been with Macy’s Thirty-Seven Years
Through the years, I managed to preserver
It was during the Macy’s-Gimbels era is what I went through
I am sure you see the clue
It was a time when a Macy’s and Gimbels Buyers had lunch
There was talk of merchandising while they munched
Business was discussed on Macy’s side and Gimbels found out about Macy’s Strategy
So Gimbels explored Macy’s campaign
Well the aftermath that shall remain
So Macy’s was outraged with what had transpired from Gimbels
Macy’s decided to spy on Gimbels to see what concept they could pick up
Macy’s couldn’t get the whole element since Gimbels had their plan complex
So Macy’s became upset
Yet they knew they needed a plan of their own to be competitive
But its Macy’s in wanting to be objective
I worked in the CEO & Chairmen, Edward Finkelstein’s Executive Office along with his Executive Assistant, Veronica and I was their Typist
So an email went out stating to all Macy’s employee’s that we were not to discuss any Macy’s business with Gimbels
This was a different kind of miracle
But that was the day back then
However, the Macy’s and Gimbels competition comrades came to final end.
preservationman Jan 2019
Does anybody know what the ship “Emily Morgan” is?
Think hard as I might be giving a Quiz
The ship is of a Merchant Vessel
But someone famous you know was part of this ship
However, here’s a tip
It’s a famous store name in Herald Square
The name is advertised regularly on the air
The man’s name is R.H. Macy
But here is the full name Rowland Hussey Macy
Mr. Macy was a Merchant ****** from Nantucket in Cape Cod, MA
If you are or were a Macy’s shopper, I am sure you didn’t know that being part of Macy’s Heritage
But I wanted to share being my privilege
So set sail was how Mr. Macy ventured
But it was the mightier the storm, the wonders of the adventure
Mr. Macy was often guided on the Emily Morgan using his own initiative
He sailed on the seas of Cape Code, but New Bedford, MA being one of his ports
So the Emily Morgan was a ship with a Macy’s Department Store mission
Mr. R.H. Macy was a Merchant ****** that made it happen.
Toni Lynn Whitt Feb 2010
I'll never forget the day I met my Macy cat.But a little kitten she was.An outcast amongst her feline siblings.Like me amongst my social peers.She was a bit scrawny and a bit odd looking too.Then and there I knew we were pals.Shy and timid like me.My Macy cat knows all about me.She probably knows more than her human counterparts.My best friend through thick and thin.My Macy cat is always there for me.All my secrets she will keep.When I'm sick she will never leave my side.She listens to me when I talk.She cheers me up when I am down.Why have a dog when I can have my Macy cat.
preservationman Jul 2023
The thought of Parades, Fireworks, and everything in between from Macy’s Herald Square. It was the capturing moment of the heart by a Five Year Old boy being the writer. I was a member of the MMG team known as Macy’s Merchandising Group at the Corporate level at Penn 11 Plaza in New York City. It all started when my Aunt Elmira took me to Macy’s Herald Square, and we were walking around the store, and I was startled, and my attention was drawn by a marquee eyes  pulsating moving back and forth with an array of school buses on display. The school buses in yellow and miniature toy students inside, and the roof was partially open. Unknowingly to my Aunt, I had picked up one of the buses, and held it tight in my tot hands for life. Once when my Aunt was ready to leave Macy’s. My Aunt noticed that picked up one of those school buses in my hand from the display. My Aunt told me to put the bus back, and I wouldn’t. Through my mind was shouldn’t. My Aunt even tried to take the bus out of my hand, but couldn’t. I had a strong grip for a little tot. As s tot, I was determined that the bus was going to be mine regardless. I even kicked my Aunt. My Aunt was forced to buy that bus at Macy’s. That ordeal led me to exposure to the bus industry in moving and observing.

This all led me to become a Bus Hobbyist in the preservation within the motor coach bus industry, and working for the hound being Greyhound Bus Lines, Inc. in my teenage years while I was going to college as a Package Express outside Account Executive. Macy’s opened the doors for me being the bus industry, and their headlights. An opportunity through the tunnel of intrigue. It was the open road with clear concise ideas, and the off ramp being my destination. It was the notion with presentation, and the buses in becoming my collecting structure. Who would have thought, Macy’s being my saga in becoming a bus enthusiast, and forming idealist. Thank you Macy’s for starting my first Bus Road Trip, and the chapter in stepping down memory lane and acknowledging the highway.
History is history drawn by observation to attract
Up and down motion
The thought of the old Dinosaur Escalators at Macy’s Herald Square
The old fossil’s still work
It gets Macy’s customers from selling floor to selling floor
They still work for sure
I know, I worked at the Macy’s Herald Square Tower for 38 Years on the 13th Floor of the Corporate Executive Office
Those old escalators were established since Macy’s Herald Square was built in brick and mortal
I can assure you I am not a fixture, and wasn’t around when Macy’s Herald Square was put together
Let’s just say I made history working for Macy’s, but I could be considered a Legend
However, I was around during the real MIRACLE ON 34th of the
The old escalators are still in effect and they have history of their own
No mystery
The old escalators are tour attractions to see in being accompanied in Macy’s Herald Square past and current of old and new.
preservationman Jun 2017
                                            A  - ACCELERATION

                                            C  -  CENTRALIZATION

                                            Y  -   YEARLY
                                            S  -   SATISFACTION

Macy’s, a name that has been around
From the East to the West Coast where numerous Macy’s stores can be found
Merchandise that are sure to catch your eye
Assortments that you will want to try
Macy’s is your miracle in making it easy to shop
The shopping experience where you won’t want to stop
Step into any Macy’s as they a wait
There are Gifts fitting any occasion for whatever date
You will become a satisfied customer fulfilling the slate.
preservationman Jul 2020
Living real life on Miracle on 34th
It was that inspiration that carried me forth
Macy’s employees were like a family to me
It was after achieving 38 Years you see
I was laid off on June 25, 2020
Yet, I am proud in what I achieved
Laid-Offs are really nothing to talk about, but I am relieved
Two Top Former Executives were my Mentors
They helped me conquer and I saw
My experience within the Corporate Circle was a soar
Imagine, I am part of Macy’s history
I was a star on Broadway
My name within an enterprising name
Legacy being part of the Retail game
Associates and there are many, I will always remember
Laughter still ever after
I worked in numerous departments
In guess you haven’t figured what RH stands for in Macy’s
It is Rowland Hussey Macy, a former Merchant ****** and who was from Nantucket, MA, Cape Cod
So Macy’s farewell
Your stories will always be my tell
An adventure a waits and will be swell
You were part of my life
Dhaara T  Dec 2016
Dhaara T Dec 2016
Another dab of red on her lip
A final spray of fragrance
Baubles cuffing her dainty wrists
And a spring in her step

She steps out and steps into the car
Their eyes meet, a sparkle across one of her 32
He nods with a giggle, "Finally, the day has arrived..."
Zestful fingers turn the key, the engine revs up

And like always, she completes his sentence
With a bright one across her face
"Yes, the day we set each other free."
And together they burst

While little Macy and Phillip
Make promises, young in love
From afar, below the cliff,
They see light shine so bright, like fire burst

And perhaps, they were only firecrackers
Thinks Phillip, his innocent mind
Unable to tell a blast from a burst
But Macy knows, for she caused the brakes to fail
preservationman Jan 2015
A famous ship that set sailed
The name “Titanic” a cruise liner marked for preserver, but something down the line failed
The Titanic made it’s way over the seas
Yet on the deck the passengers were treated to an endless breeze
As the music played an elegant melody
The feeling of majestic royalty within red carpet hospitality
This was the first of the Titanic voyage
History in the making for sure
But will the Titanic reach destined shore?
A final night that everyone narrates and regrets
As the doomed cruise liner continued on the waves
Disaster struck with thoughts on did the waves behave
Panic was among the travelling passengers
The passengers being distinguished in the category of who’s who
There was a special passenger and I will give you a clue
The insignia of R.H.
I didn’t give the last name as I am trying to see if you figured out what R.H. stands for
You will be surprised in galore
The passenger was Rowland Hussey Macy
The name associates with MACY’S DEPARTMENT STORE
A store you probably shop today
But Mr. Macy perished on board the ship “Titanic”
Yet he was a man of the seas by way of Merchant ****** from Nantucket
But the Titanic was constructed to be unsinkable
However the situation does make one think as what really happened on the Titanic?
A mystery of the seven seas
Let your mind wander but feel at ease
All the passengers perished, and their soul’s went to thee.
preservationman Jan 2024
Macy’s Corporate Herald Square
38 Years tenure
Advertising Campaign
Between Rivals
Macy’s and Gimbel’s Buyers
Macy’s Strategy
Gimbel’s motive
Before Ma y’s present
Gimbels represent
Macy’s Spy
Macy’s found Gimbel’s campaign complex
No figure out
End result
Macy’s CEO sent an outward Company Wide email
No discussion of Macy’s business to Gimbels
Miracle on 34th Street actually lived
KM Ramsey Jun 2015
where am i?
how am I to write when
I am no different from
those gaseous ephemeral words
who lie prostrate upon
the pages of my dictionary
carved plainly into
those battlefields strewn across
the wartorn country
my heart the despotic dictator
whose primal drumming
carries no tune
and no rhythm
and throws of explosions
grenades that
black out the world for
a brief moment
until it careens back and
slams into me

i should have been born twice
for how could i have
both my body and that
intangible inexplicable
something inside
it stirs at the molten core
of me
that chasm that forged
those graven images
that first gave way to
a pictographic language
and offered me
a voice
to explain that immutable
all powerful
to throw myself on that
red button and
burst into a million pieces
and finally relieve that
nauseating pressure
of adipose smushed between
holy bone and
saintly skin
interloping in that space
and separating two lovers

barriers create madness

walls box me in
and yet i grow
an expanding balloon girl
macy’s day parade and
candy littered streets
and razor sharp edges
to steel walls pressing harder
against me than
my supple skin could
ever possibly press

i can’t breathe

there is no room
for my lungs to expand
and feel the
fresh sun filled meadow
of crystal air
delivering oxygen to
starved alveoli
and i can’t find your chest
to guide me
in impossible respiration

i’m suffocating in my own skin
from no outside force
but my body itself
turns inward and
shouts its dominance at my
cowering self
sniveling in the corner
of my dusty half used heart
where no blade could possible
land a blow deep enough
to silence the torment and
particular personal poison
a torture to course through
every part of me
activating every single neuron
and making me
hyperaware of my
shame and noxious
venomous corpulence
a reality i
never wanted you to see
but is written plainly
in fiery script across my forehead
and in every fold of fat.
on how it feels to be in your body when you are having a body dysmorphia episode

— The End —