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The city makes my heart beat change
To a speed I can't endure
I start to sweat and I can't breathe
To me there only is one cure

I have to leave the city life
Leave the commotion far behind
I've got to hit the country
For that is where I'll find

I have got a hillbilly heart
It's beats in banjo time
I have got a hillbilly heart
Out here, I feel just fine

City roads, and shopping malls
Get me riled and confused
I go home feeling *****
I go home feeling used

I've got to get away from here
Or I will lose my mind
I've got to hit the country
For that is where I'll find

I have got a hillbilly heart
It's beats in banjo time
I have got a hillbilly heart
Out here, I feel just fine

I have got a hillbilly heart
It's here that I belong
I have got a hillbilly heart
And it sings a bluegrass song
I have got a hillbilly heart
And it sings a bluegrass song
high up in the mountains where the hillbillies stay
they all get together dance the night away
folks all get togther party all night long
with there hillbilly sound and a hillbilly song

fiddles and banjos and the steel guitars
they dance the night away underneath the stars
a little bit of moonshine puts dancing in there feet
dancing all night long to the hillbilly beat

dancing all night long to the hillbilly sound
dancing all night long till morning comes around
fiddles and banjos and the steel guitars
they dance the night away underneath the stars

high up in the mountains where the hillbillies stay
they all get together dance the night away
folks all get togther party all night long
with there hillbilly sound and a hillbilly song
Larry B Oct 2010
For all who have been wondering
Let me set the story straight
About the hillbilly holidays
Before it gets too late

We don't have an Easter possum
This tale is just a myth
It's a cute little bunny with a basket
To collect our Easter eggs with

And Cupid don't wear overalls
And fly around with a gun
He shoots them tiny little arrows
But we know it's all in fun

And Santa still has his reindeer
Not a horse tied to his sleigh
We leave him milk and cookies
Not moonshine like they say

The Tooth Fairy is not toothless
This simply isn't true
She always leaves us money
Just like the rest of you

And of course that leaves Thanksgiving
So what else could I say
We eat turkey like everyone else
On this Hillbilly Holiday

So now that everyone understands
That hillbilly is just a name
It don't matter where you live
Our holidays are all the same

Hillbillies are like everyone else
And there's nothing for you to fear
If you ever have anymore questions
Well, Ya'll come back now, hear?
i love it in the mountains with it rocky tops
hillbillys play there music and it never stops
folks they gather round as they dance and jig
dance the night away to the hillbilly gig.

feet they start a tapping when the banjo,s play
steel guitars join in hips begin to sway
followed by the fiddles to add an extra beat
they all play together put dancing in your feet

to the hillbilly sound they dance all night long
slapping and clapping to there favourite song
linking arm in arm as they spin around
dancing all night long to the hillbilly sound.

dancing all night long till the break of day
to the hillbilly beat as they play away
steel guitars and banjo and the fiddles too
playing through the night till the early morning dew

i love it in the mountains with it rocky tops
hillbillys play there music and never stops
folks they gather round as they dance and jig
dance the night away to the hillbilly gig.
Larry B Nov 2010
There's Dasher and Dancer
Then Prancer and *****
Comet and Cupid
Then Donner and Blitzen

If you think these are reindeer
Then you would be wrong
And it's not crazy words
In some Christmassy song

See, they are my brothers
Don't anybody laugh
For these are hillbilly names
From Polecat Path

It's a place in the hills
In East Tennesee
On the top of a mountain
As high as can be

Here, Christmas is different
There's no reindeer or sleigh
We use an old covered wagon
It works better that way

We make toys in the smoke house
For most of the year
While smoking our hams
'Til Christmas is near

Then we load up the wagon
With granny on the reins
Her wooden teeth all gummy
With rootbeer stains

Now the wagon is pulled
By my brothers and I
We're plumb tuckered out
'Cause people can't fly

Well, you get the picture
About Christmas in the hills
It's a hillbilly adventure
On wagon wheels

Now there's much more to tell
But it's time to run off
'Cause we're loading the wagon
Your friend, Rudolph
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Hillbilly Music
Grandpa got the boys to gather at night.
Grandpa on the fiddle is so sweet.
Old Pa on the big bass can really make it sing.
Uncle Joe plays a mean wash tube.
While I slap the knees with my spoons.
The sound of old rocky top
Brings the valley to the hills.
We play all night long
As the sing the songs.
The hills do rock to the hillbilly sound.
Of nothing can be finer the being in Carolina.
Hillbilly music is the sweetness of the hills.
Verdae Geissler Mar 2013
I know
all these years
it was
trapped me

...You won
all else

were gifted

the world over


...the right words

all of me.

How did
you do that

you had
never ever
one foot
out of your...


...Not the good kind.


bought and
were paid
EVIL intention.

... all you
will ever
my mind

good riddance
high up in the mountains when weekend comes around
hillbillies get togther. with there hillbilly sound
party all night long till the break of day
playing out there music in the hillbilly way

banjos and the fiddles they all start to play
folks they all start the night away
to there favourite sound in the mountains high
dancing all night long beneath a moonlit sky

clapping and a slapping to the hillybilly beat
music in there soul dancing in there feet
in the mountains high where hillbillies play
dancing all night till the break of day

high up in the mountains when weekend comes around
hillbillies get togther. with there hillbilly sound
party all night long till the break of day
playing out there music in there hillbilly way

banjos and the fiddles they all start to play
folks they all start the night away
to there favourite sound in the mountains high
dancing all night long beneath a moonlit sky

clapping and a slapping to the hillybilly beat
music in there soul dancing in there feet
in the mountains high where hillbillies play
dancing all night till the break of day
Logan Robertson Jul 2018
I sit at the bar of life
Looking forward to happy hour
Another beer
A solicited romance
Even a bowl of peanuts that never came
How I yearn for conversation
I can only dream
Seated a few chairs away
Is a rainbow haired hillbilly
Backpacking possums
Can you imagine
He said he lives under
The outskirts of ****** land
He smiles
I smile
I catch a bee from behind
As the bartendress walk by
My eyes look at her behind
And catch honey
My claim to fame
Oh how I wish I were a bee
And had somebody
Like the rainbow haired hillbilly
That tends under the outskirts of ****** land
I look over at him
He's always smiling
Maybe it has something to do
With playing a fiddle and finding music, finding new paths
Goats and milk
And backpacking possums
Or maybe its sublime
Oh, how I wish I could smile
Feel warmth
And look into her peering eyes

Logan Robertson

I'm drinking in a sea of lost inhibitions as I write and decompose and I may drown in how this poem is received,  however I don't care.
Larry B Oct 2010
One night while I was sleeping
The bed began to shake
I knew right then without a doubt
That I was wide awake

Here they come once again
To take me for a ride
I saw their flying saucer
It was much too late to hide

So I put on my old blue jeans
And headed for the door
When I saw this giant beam of light
That ****** me off the floor

I knew exactly what they wanted
And no they didn't use a probe
They didn't **** my brains out
Or even ask me to disrobe

They were looking for a hillbilly
To teach them a thing or two
Like how to skin a possum
And how to make rattlesnake stew

Them aliens were some friendly folk
They said they liked the way I talked
They told me that was the reason
That I was the one they stalked

They asked me about beef jerky
And how to tan a hide
I showed them my old **** dog
As they watched me beam with pride

They said they really liked my truck
And wanted to take it for a spin
So I stuck that thing in four-wheel drive
And you should have seen them grin

When the night was finally over
I thought I heard them say
We'll be coming back real soon
As I watched them fly away

I only had one problem
As I sat there on the ground
Them aliens done up and stole
My very best blue tick hound
Larry B Dec 2010
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the hills
The kinfolk were drinkin' as they tend to their stills

The longjohns were hung by the chimney with care
No stockings were found, just underwear

The children were nestled so high in their bunks
Their quilts made of skins from rabbits and skunks

Granny with her false teeth and gun on her knee
Was waiting for Santa as she sat by the tree

From out of the barn there arose such a noise
We thought it was Grandpa drinkin' with the boys

But what to my wandering eye should appear
It was just cousin Cleatus in mama's brassiere

And then from the rooftop we heard it at last
Like the sound of thunder or a shot gun blast

We have Christmas dinner, it's finally here
Granny kidnapped Santa while we shot his deer

Venison all covered with onions for stew
And even old Santa enjoyed some too

His belly was full when he walked out the door
But he couldn't resist when we offered him more

Well that's the story of our Christmas here
Merry Christmas to all 'til the same time next year

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— The End —