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WoodsWanderer May 2016
Hey you
You with the crinkling eyes and the dancing laugh
with the arms that ensare my waist to throw me against
pure emerald mountain sides dripping with late spring rains
the shucking of pine bark to twirl wooden towers down lilting slopes
and the gangly limbs reaching towards the sky
in an attempt to capture the clouds
for the sole reason of dancing through their
you with the pure soul and poise fit enough for the queen
if only you were anatomically different
you would rule this world better than she
honesty running through your laughing veins
as you summit mountain after mountain
pure glacial eyes darting to capture mine
mischievious depths speaking of hidden love
I know you
so well.
Even though our friendship has been
2 months 30 days long
I know you better than I know myself
My best best friend you called me
as true as these wild trilliums we run past in an attempt to throw
the other into the lake
the fires which serve as a competitive twinkle in your eyes
we are so free.
You who contains the most pure soul
pure intentions I have ever come across
You are so loved
You are so perfect in your innocence
In the wise notes held in your fingertips
you provide wings to leap with.
I know there are waves trapped in your veins
calling for your brilliant smile.
I know when your head rests against my chest
it is with the innocence of a child
You are my best friend
My comrade in arms
My birch gatherer.
and this love spreading through my limbs
for your tired head and tumbling curls
is hard to ignore.
I know you are being called away
a bright future awaits
a familial expectation to fufill
I'm just here to tell you I will be waiting
In these mountains, these peaks
roaming annd laughing and dancing
waiting for the day my best friend realizes
his happiness is more important than others expectations
and I will be here
as free as when you first found me
ready for our adventures to begin
Come fly with me.
betterdays Apr 2014
i have an ongoing
love affair
with words
that roll around your

luscious, langourous
lilliputitian letters

sensual syllables
slick- sliding off
the tongue

ecstatic explosions,
erupting, erogenously
exciting, eager exclaimations,
of enraptured exualtations

organic, original orientations
of teeth and tongue
producing oodles,
of apogeic anomolies

my affair
accomplishes much
for little

it is you see
just a not so secret love
of letter, line, jot and tittle.

a casting eye upon a word
and i am set rushing
down a path
reserved for those
with terms, descriptive,
and names.
that in themselves,

lexicographers and bibliophiles
phoneologists, linguists, polygots,
jonguluers, wordsmiths scribes

all possess this
tangled knot,
for words.
which, we then,
endevour to spin,
into inkstained beauty,
to ensare
ourselves ...and others.
Luis Lezcano  Nov 2011
Luis Lezcano Nov 2011
What to call you?
The light that shows me the way?
My inspiration?

My everything?
or simply
My love.
That says everything.

A tender heart
With a beautiful personality
Eyes whose gaze ensare me
and take me for a ride.

You and I
A connection
like no other.
A love like no other.

A love that
grows every
passing day.
A feeling that
will never vanish.
A feeling that
will remind me
Of you.
No words to
describe how
much you
mean to me.
Only actions
can describe it.
You are unique.

I am forever yours
I'll always be here for you
And at the end of the day,
You will always be

My love.
people scare me
with their ability to ensare me
in thoughts that they might be right
and sometimes no matter how much I fight,
i'm wrong
but i could never just belong
to fit in feels like a sin
how could one waste their lives
with haste for their distaste of
being different
to me it seems sad
the way you won't do
the things that make you glad
am i the only one with ****** up desires?
or am i just surrounded by gutless liars?
seize the day!
mold that **** like clay
its yours to do with what you want god ******
otherwise years from now these thoughts will haunt
till the end of your days
they will follow you to your grave
rearrange the status quo
show us what
you want us to know
Ankush  21h
Ankush 21h
They walk .. slowly.

Flashing her distance... happily.

She follows the path... patiently.

She swallows the water... She walks.
Scared not , She walks .

She ran-
Breath quickened, fastened heart.
He stalks-
The eyes widened , sharp as steel.
She falls.

They come ...
She ran.
She falls -
She crumbled.

The way she got upset
The light she got stared...
The way she accepted ..
Her fate ensnared.

The way he was happy,
The evil bestowed
The way they asked her,
And she followed.
A girl being manipulated by some people ends up falling in their trap , because of her gullible nature, and unwillingness to fight back.
Levin Pace  Nov 2018
Levin Pace Nov 2018
The webs of spiders
The web's of corporations
Both ensare our lives
i build walls of lies
but not just for rejection
i build walls of lies for everyone's protection
i do it to keep them crying
i do it to keep them from dying
i do it to keep them happy
i do it so they will like me
i just want to be accepted, is that so bad?
but i know i tend to trap you
ensare you in the endearing lies
because of that i know you want to get rid of me so very bad
but ill cling, grab, and claw
every obstacle that grows
i reign supreme in these walls made of lies
sometimes i lie to make people cry and tell them that im lying
but that doesn't happen very often
because if i was abandoned again
i simply would become thin
my skin is thick and can take strong spikes
the spikes people throw at my walls upon walls of lies
inside those walls
is a web full of flies
the flies can't escape when they've all fallen into the sweet
honey-covered web
inside my walls of lies
a note to you, a note to all of you.
you know who you are.
Dramatic changes
In my atmosphere
No hazard here
Pain. Rejection.  Regret
Do no damage here
Bad I hear
But Have no fear
Rejoice in happy tears
Madness disappears
And gravity escapes
The sound collapsing
As you glance at me
As my words
Ensare your passive ears
Fulu  Feb 2019
Fulu Feb 2019
You haunted me with whispers about your dear
You obsessed with honey traps meant to ensare the object of obession
You crushed my sense of reason and glued it together with madness

The little that remained always wondered,
was this love of yours a perverse ******* that loved all it could never possess?
It always questioned why, in each of your failures you never gave up
You scorn, and find displeasure to all that desires to possess you.
Oh you sadist, when will your obsession with the things you can't possess ever be satisfied?

— The End —