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Like shoting bullets you throw your words at me,
with that little heart i have,
you knew they will penetrate in my heart and leave me bleeding.

With that anger and pain covered with your gentle words,
i know that you are hurt.
With the smile on your face from ear to ear,
i know you broken.

"No turning" thats the story,
"No forgiveness" thats the song,
"No love" thats your stress relief,
yesterday is gone, tomorrow is here to stay,
but surely that song in you mind will once be erased.

Like shoting bullets, runs down those tears,
like shoting bullets, your words decieved me.
Fell into the traps of your words,
but like a swift bullet, i learnt to drift away quickly.
Now i am happy,
but i forgot to make my wish.
A shoting star passing by,
all i needed was happiness,
and surely i have found it.
All i wanted to do was share my beautiful sight.
Calling unto my naphew,
the only person there to share with.
What a lovely sight it was,
but i just forgot to make my wish
When things seem to be impossible, looking on to the sky and they just become possible
Sitting in the silence,
It was too loud to bare,
Nobody talking everyone wanting to get the right answer.
A little deep thought, a little carried away i became.

Just like the clock ticking,
There was the tap dripping,
The sound getting deep into my head,
It reminded me of the times i leaned on your chest listening to your heart bounding.

But quickly was my mind drawn back to class,
And the sound shattered like broken glass.
A climps at the tap across the room,
I saw your tears shoting out like bullets,
And i remembered how much everyone deserves a second chance.
PK Wakefield  Oct 2010
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
    I bet its coldly octobering
shoting of the pale glazed soil stiff brown ******
                   steadily but
inside i
under crumpled polyester clumps
       a static heat
an arm
              overandunder    a the
                         casual habitat
It is not because i have nothing
to say,
it is not because my voice is not
but i keep quiet because i want
my happiness to stay,
all i can do is watch your words
filling the air like powder.

My silence is not because i am afraid,
neither does it mean i can be
treated like a domestic maid,
but rather i keep quiet to try and keep myself holy,
and watch you quarell like the folly.

My silence is louder than your noise
and your words like shoting bullets bounce back,
for you know it hurts to see me rejoice,
i just pray that your words just get caught up and strain your neck.
Easy to say,
Difficult to explain,
And a challenge to act upon.

What then do i call this?
For at first sight i think i may be in love,
looking at you my heart feels like its shoting out.

To much excitment my body has generated static energy,
And all i need is you to make me sparkle.

A short night it has become,
Wishing to get a more greater glimps at you.
Oh my! Oh my!
Could it be love?
Counting down to the days when the moon will become full,
as i look at it from where i sit,
over the dancing trees.
I feel the wind wisphering to my ears,
and the birds sing their last song before they go to sleep.

Waiting for my little town to become dark and the stars to golw.
i have to run away and go to a place unknown.
Where i will be close to nature,
and no human creature to disturb.

I will go and sit under the stars,
counting down to the day i may become happy,
and maybe i might find a shoting star to wish upon.
And my tiny wishes may become true.
Wishes stars dark moon happy wisphering
Antony Glaser Feb 2022
Digital falls too easily
She took better in Slide
than JPEG
and even though the Slide was pushed
it had a retro Fuji green hue
than the dull colors of the obvious
shots per second of the DSLR

— The End —