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liz Nov 2018
this is some ******* baby
u know i got the time
come unwind ur coils around
my soft body, make me
shiver, mr. knows me like
the back of his hand;
backhanded compliments
from tu pinche mamá
she thinks i'm perilous
never doubted u, but
she never believed in u either
& it's high time u and i
got high by the edge of the sea
in this world it's yeet
or be yote (u know i'm the goat)
baby it's just a joke, relax
the breeze is still blowin'
your hair into my face
& i can smell the fear in
waves crashing into the cliff
it's gonna be ok, corazón
sometimes u just gotta
yeet or be yeeted into
life, unhindered by her
& remember my heart is open
my body may be soft but
them waves ain't gonna break
against my soul tonight
if u love then u love. be wide open.
it's tried & true that the world is a lot more interesting when u give ur whole self to whatever comes & coils around u. so hesitation has its place here but only if u choose to welcome it in.

11.11.18 7:42pm
meme culture is prevalent here.
soy sauce  Mar 2015
Bored As Heck
soy sauce Mar 2015
I'm so bored
tell me a story
play an online game with me
someone text me

buy me a lamb
make a new tweet
take me shopping
buy me a wii u

I'm so bored
everything's so boring
I have no games on the wii
so I am bored as can be

someone post on instagram
something saying "yeet"
get me pizza with lots of toppings
is anyone else bored, too?