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Pushing Daisies  Apr 2014
Pushing Daisies Apr 2014
I am alone,
Like a structureless prose,
A dark waste of space,
A wilting rose.

I am alive,
But they'd rather I die,
Buried deep underground,
Never to be found.
Adapted lyrics
tc  Jan 2017
tc Jan 2017
it's a melancholy sadness and it grips hold of my joints with steel chains and i am bolted
bound to internal torment like a sadist playing sadist tricks oh i am bemused
wrap me in cotton wool and sing to me
nursery rhymes or tragic blackened symphonies
melancholy melodies / mad and misused
play the piano on my ribcage and sing your sadist tunes
this little rib went crack crack crack
everything in the room faded to black, black, black
what a bitter hymn oh and there is nothing holy about this
beetroot is red because you beat the root of me dead so tell me
where is your god?
i think i set him on fire with the acid in my chest
my blood is scathing / possessed
i drew a cross on his forehead with what i had left
monsters are manufactured; a product, you see
a deformed social escapee
non-conformist unmoral idiosyncrasies

laboratory rats

setting the world on fire with gasoline and dynamite
study the ill mind of a structureless parasite
understand that monsters are manufactured,
and they were once
just like you
Wordfreak Jan 2017
I stopped myself on the edge of oblivion,
Down the road to my right,
All I'd ever done.
Everywhere I'd ever been.
Everyone I'd ever known  
Down the road to my left,
All I had yet to do,
Places I had yet to go.
People I had yet to meet.

And I spoke.

"People tell me to keep fighting.
That it's not all that bad.
That things happen for a reason,
And the reason just hasn't shown itself yet."

I gaze into the structureless abyss.

"The truth is no-one gives a **** how I feel,
The ones who encourage me only do because they can use me. I'm constantly being told to buck up."

Fists clenched and my nails cut my palms.

"If anyone ever lived through what I have they wouldn't want to keep fighting either. They wouldn't want to keep surviving. So why should I?"

A deep breath and shoulders sag.

I stopped myself on the edge of oblivion...
And couldn't talk myself down.

I stopped myself on the edge of oblivion...
And I jumped.
Iz  Feb 2018
Here is What I Mean
Iz Feb 2018
my mind will finally be hollow when explosive entities of its existential warfare finally self destruct.
until then,
Recondite rifles are ruthlessly reloaded with unanswerable questions regarding the purpose of seemingly non purposeful things;
lack of resolve wrecks me.
Unanswered ammunition degrades cerebral cells, intercepting normal neural connections:
I cannot think properly in the midst of pellets of panic

until then,
Selfless soldiers employed by future uncertainty battle against selfish soldiers of MY physical being, employed by my diminishing desire for sanity.
They engage in trench warfare: digging desolate ditches, hammering holes, all of which eventually collapse and contribute to the constant compression of my cortex.
But Compliments and Hope fracture into particles of sand that are ****** into the openings in my pupils by amorphous wind which is structureless anyway
these particles are vacuumed down my optic nerves and pile into pillars of petrifying plant-based picket fences that try to guard against the existential warfare plaguing my mind
But more explosive entities enter through my ears and reproduce in my temples waiting to self destruct

until then,
Forces convolute: existential warfare compresses my cortex into inevitable flat nothingness, while pitiful pillars of disillusioning dust collapse because the wind that whisked them inside NEVER EXISTED ANYWAY
Eventually i will implode

Until then,
numbness gnaws at my heart to balance the bullets
waiting to implode
until then,
Existential Warfare bombards my brain with bullets of black metal
here is what I mean
Deana Luna Feb 2014
wreck me (can you do it)
you have full permission to destroy me completely. (fight against me. fight me. ******* FIGHT.>/..,’]]\
die-hard, sweet tongued, soft eyed, lover boy.—> wreck me.

i know you want to.

wreck the soft peachiness of my cheeks
down to my painted pink toenails.
paint my body red with destruction
purple with bruises
pink with smacks and slaps
lines across my neck
open crime scene — worst i’ve ever seen — poor girl
never had a chance, did she

-got/get angry-
are you angry with me? are you livid?
make me feel it, darling.
powerful structures of pain
pleasurable absence
structureless abuse

wreck me.
rip out my tattoo heart/make me into art.
Arlene Corwin Mar 2020
It was dead of night, 2:30 a.m. when I awoke with unbidden memories clear as day, and subsequent ideational poetry in my head.  It all became (under bedcovers with flashlight, pad and felt tip pen) this: which may require two readings or more.

            The Hourglass Of Time ⏳
  (an awakening in the dark of night)

Shape, form, hope, dream, name, fame
Sifting through the hourglass of endless time -
Seamless, endless, untamed time.

Reactive in the night a.m.
Drifting in and out of ‘I am’,
Why the lingering of memory,
The self biography
Coming back with age,
Links welding chains of change
So strong and strange?

Why, because it must,
When revelation bites the dust,
The fuss when dust itself is shifting,                                        
Sifting through time’s hourglass,
Time’s powerglass?

Passing (one-can-only guess)
Through structureless unclearness
And a consciousness of moment’s movement which,
Because of pause-less laws, effect and cause,                        
Course charted by some unseen force,
A nameless, undivided source:
What Is the message?

I’ve a hunch it was a master stroke
That woke me up, shook me up -
Ideas that spoke
With images clear and opaque;
Feats feeling fake, mistakes my earthquake,
Baked into aches of un-achievement
Which cemented the reality;
A revelation dark and light, the naked night
Revealed to me  (for all to see eventually.)
The Hourglass Of Time 3.4.2020 Revelations Big&Small; Arlene Nover Corwin

— The End —