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Peter Sinead
New York    Poet, writer, dreamer looking to meet, critique, and read some great new work
Sinead Anderson
I'm Sinead. I'm pretty much the poster-child for minorities. I'm a self-indulgent, pill-poppin', affection-hungry, attention-craving, anxiety-stricken, self-destrucive, obsessive-compulsive, touchy-feely, hopeless romantic. I'm like a little …


Raucous laughter and clinking glasses fill the air, already brimming with the intoxicating scents of ocean air and freshly grilled salmon.
Crab legs crack, revealing succulent white meat and dripping juices down sun burnt chins and salt licked chests.
Seven men, all eating their weight in seafood, happy for the simple joy of being reunited once more.
Margarita, tequila, Corona and more,
I've never felt better, passed out on the floor.
Lyn-Purcell  Jul 2018
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2018
Sweat drips from my brow
A grain of salt that I knead
How I adough you
The title was intentional loool
Just felt like making a small loaf of bread today, something I haven't done since my high school days!
(Man, I forgot how hard it was! I really am lazy haha!)
Lyn ***
Chuck  Jan 2014
Chuck Jan 2014
Me ain't no perfect speechifyer or scribbler
But I curse the mistakes I makes
I had a stipud airor in my last poem
So what. Why should I kare?
I should' nt : **** i do
I fill the need to be perfect 100 persent of the tyme
Win it coms to grammer and usedage
Dos a meckanic need to drive perfectly;
No and ain't no nobody say nothin
**** i fill the nead to be perfact allways
It just ain't fair
How ever: ain't one people out of 363 reader
Said nothin to me
Sew may be I m the only ones who aspects
Me too bee purfect!
Or were u thinkin how Ironicable?
I wrote this as therapy to help me feel better about having an error, but now I simply feel *****. Haha