The mind is like an ocean and thoughts are like waves that come and go.
You are the one sitting on the sand, peacefully watching the ocean,
the mind.
In the ocean, big waves shall come, small waves shall come.
If you decide to step into the ocean to ride some waves,
remember, you are not the ocean nor the waves.
In the mind, big thoughts shall come, small thoughts shall come.
If you decide to step into the mind and ride some thoughts,
remember, you are not the mind nor the thoughts.
Though in the surface of the ocean the water is restless and always changing,
In the deep parts of the ocean, the water is at peace and very still.
Though in the surface of the mind things are restless and always loud,
In the deep parts of the mind, things are at peace and very silent.
Life is also like an ocean;
flowing in its own accord.
Here you are not the rider,
you are the ride.
And if Life takes you to Death,
and Death takes you to Life,
then where exactly are you going?
You are going nowhere,
but you are always now here.