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1.2k · May 2014
Saranghae May 2014
Ever since I started attending this pathetic excuse of a school
I’ve lost sight of my goals
I wanted to see the world (more specifically the museums)
And possibly some really very attractive Asian men,
Walk the entire Wall of China,
Soak in the parts of nature Man hasn’t tampered with;
I could take a picture of a leaf, put a filter on it and BAM!
I can call myself a photographer.
Maybe I might find an intelligent guy,
Have intelligent kids, keep them from falling in line with society
But no
I am stuck with puerile idiots who only act off of their hormonal urges
Half-track minds that only go half the mile and then reverse back to where it started
I don’t dare say they have potential because I might be lying
All they ever do is stare at their phones
Snapchat! Selfies!
Do it for the vine!
Dude, I’d tell you to go **** yourself with a cactus but even then
It still wouldn’t be the dumbest thing you are bound to do.
I need to get out of here.
1.2k · May 2014
Seems Right
Saranghae May 2014
"Hearts are wild creatures,
that's why ribs are cages."
1.1k · May 2014
My Point
Saranghae May 2014
there is no point to gossip

girls will be girls

can’t say the same for myself

i’d rather read a good book

draw a flower

learn a different language

understand great philosophers

train a squad dog

read to a 2 year old

poison a mime

study politics

drink fine wine

find a cure for cancer

fall on my face

break both ankles

cut my toes off

then sew them

to my shoulders

grow warts

swallow a tape worm

do ****

**** a sloth

see my point yet?
Kidding about the sloth. And I also have problems.
Saranghae May 2014
Today you were born.
Thank you for being here.
For being alive.
Making it through another year.
It does get better.
I promise.

I can’t say I Love You.
Because I don't.
But there is someone who does.
Perhaps more than one.
It’s okay if it’s just mom.
Or dad or brother or sister.

If you cut please don’t do it again.
I will tell you what I told my sister.
Put the blade to your wrist.
Hold it there.
Don’t move it.
Keep it there ‘til you aren’t upset anymore.

If you think about ending it all tonight.
Or possibly tomorrow.
All the events that led to this “solution”.
Write it all down.
And burn it.

If you have a broken heart.
Don’t pick up the ice cream.
Or any weapons.
It isn’t worth gaining weight.
Or the physical scars.
Curl into fetal position and cry a lot.

Don’t cry for too long.
Get up and look at yourself.
Say “It will get better.
I won’t cry for the same reason”.
Repeat until you believe.
Promise me.

If you lost someone dear.
Don’t hold it all in.
It will become too much.
Like waiting too long to ***.
The mess is horrible.
The smell: pungent and nasty.

Seriously though.
Mourn but don’t get stuck in the moment.
There isn’t a time frame for healing.
But don’t let grief to be the only emotion left.
Stand and move forward with them in your heart.
The ones still here need you.

If you are happy.
Truly happy.
Not with the material things.
But with your state of mind.
With your values and virtues.
I applaud you.

Don’t let them slip free.
You have strength so put it to good use.
Lift the others who deserve it.
Don’t waste your time with idiots.
But I can’t force you to do anything.
Do what you will.
Writing isn't my forte.
875 · Jul 2014
Saranghae Jul 2014
have you ever
just looked at someone
and thought,
my ******* god i adore you
i adore every ******* ounce.
i adore your bones and your soul.
but I’m a loser, who just doesn't wanna lose you.
*i can lose ******* everything, but not you. oh god. not you.
not a poem. just a spur of the moment thought...
857 · Sep 2014
Recurring Thoughts
Saranghae Sep 2014
2012 was the worst year of my life
my best friend betrayed me
my heart was broken 16 times
the people closest to me caused all of it
i wanted to take my own life but
the thing is suicide takes a lot of courage and
i had none

2013 my best friend came to me crying
her life was falling apart
she had to take anti-depressants
no one understood what was going on
she apologized for breaking my heart
i told her she was partially forgiven
i pieced her back together

2014 i feel no emotion
i can still laugh but my heart feels no joy
sometimes i think that feeling nothing is a gift but
i’m only fooling myself
without emotion how the hell can i live?
before all the heartbreak it was impossible to feel hate
now that’s all i am
i know there is a God above but i only want the Angel down below
757 · May 2014
Day Dreaming
Saranghae May 2014
the images
the vividness
the detail

i close my eyes
only for a moment


i smell the blood
and inhale the fear

i taste the innocence
then soothed his soul

he looked at me
and smiled through tears

his killer didn’t notice
my presence

i stroked her temple
and she paused

she studied her victim
and realized too late

she got up
and ran for her life

if escaping were that easy
we’d all slip into heaven

i flicked my wrist
and flames engulfed the room

she had a cold heart so
a little heat can’t do much harm

Lilith was her name
and beautiful she was… was

the thing is beauty is nothing
to me (like a white crayon)

the victim’s name is Akiva
and was angelic as his namesake

i scooped him up
the way you would a kitten

pitch black wings sprouted from
my back and carried us to the stars

“it’s not your time yet, love
now sleep. you are mine to protect ”

what he said next stopped my heart
and brought a ***** smile to my face

“i think i’m dreaming right now.
but you feel so real.

when we wake i will find you.
wait for me.”


*Snap back to reality
Wow, I really need to stop dozing off in class.
736 · Aug 2014
and ..
Saranghae Aug 2014
why is it
that at the end of every summer
i finally accept my

— The End —