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 Feb 2022 Sarah Locklin
Meet me in the place where time and space end;
Where aether dreams split at the seams.
That's where I live.
That's where I'll be.

When this scene is rended by inevitability, and everything that could be, is, and ever has been bleeds together in a tapestry of shreds.
That's where I've been.
That's where I live.

I hope to see you at the end of it all.
We could hold hands, and stand tall.
Our shadows elongated and melted in Styx.

The king and queen of oblivion;
Swirling in flux, unfixed.
That's where I am.
That's what I've been living in.

We'll rule over all of this nothing when you get here.
Over all of this emptiness that weighs infinite tons.

I'll meet you in the depths of this pit,
just as soon as you come.
The Mystery Girl wanted to ask for my number the day before Valentine's Day. I kept staring at her and no words would come out of my mouth. She kept blushing because she kept noticing me staring.
I just get so nervous around her I forget what to do.
She is so beautiful and vocal about her feelings for me that I am left speechless.
 Feb 2022 Sarah Locklin
Shaun Yee
They were just new-born baby snowflakes
heavy raindrops splashing on the walls
half an hour later fully grown
and falling like fluffy cotton *****

It snowed heavily for half a day
The snowflakes falling without a sound
everything slowly changed to white
rooftops, treetops, bushes and the ground

Such a beauteous stunning scenery
was thrilling to capture all in mind
for a joyous glorious little while
snowflakes make me leave my cares behind
snowflakes are beautiful :-)
Once I lay with her

dare I never wake again

So I don’t have to go out

and start the search again
 Feb 2022 Sarah Locklin
2:06 pm
 Feb 2022 Sarah Locklin
i need to stop
setting myself on fire
to keep you warm.
i keep burning for you.
 Feb 2022 Sarah Locklin
My love for the sky
is bigger than the sky.
Blue eyes
Smart lies
Sink into my core
Ten years later
You still get to me
A sudden electric connection
That still stings
So good
From the executioners chair
My drafts are like a trashed hotel room scattered with small remnants of you dotting the aftermath
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