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 Mar 2019 raphæl
Despondency cloaks
Like how fondant blankets cake
I hate fondant’s taste
 Mar 2019 raphæl
Ian Robinson
I am of death
Blessed is the one who accepts me without question
Blindly follow truth as all things return to me
Be calm as time moves on
Don't be blue or red
Your fate has come back for you, walk on with out dread

I am of life
Doomed from the start, acceptance is not a reality one wants
Safely hold onto the walls of uncertainty
Safety is but a white lie
Lying in wait for a truly blue moon
We are but agents of fate
 Mar 2019 raphæl
6 word poetry
 Mar 2019 raphæl
my piano rings of an emptiness
 Mar 2019 raphæl
 Mar 2019 raphæl
 \ why is it that time slips /                              
   \she slides and slithers /
     \right through these  /
        \ infinite crevices  /
          \found all over /
             \my greedy /
                \ hands,  /
                   \ like /
                   /    •   \
                 /       s      \
              /            a       \
           /             n            \
        /                 d              \
      /                                      \
    / in the dainty hourglass \
  /sitting aloft my skew shelf.\
I wanted to try shape poetry again, and I have to say this was MUCH harder than .leafing

It took forever to align the slashes to give this poem shape, without them it didn't look like an hourglass.
I hope you liked this poem and I'd love it if you commented some links to any shape poetry you've tried out.
Hope you enjoyed :)
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