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  Oct 2015 Sanam ojha
im kinda ill from the feels i have
from the blood my heart pumps

im kinda ill from the thoughts i have
the thoughts of my mind, my heart

im kinda sick
of this same old process

that just goes on and on and on

a part of me wants to stop
a part of me wants to believe
that you are the one

even though experience has taught me the other

im tired of this way of love
sometimes i just want to stop

im so tired from the life i choose
can't i just let it loose

for a single moment
back to purity

im so emotionally tired of this pain
i dont want to love anymore

cuz it ends up the same way everytime
the same sick old way

i just want to stop caring
call me a psychopath if you wish

i just dont care anymore

call me a psychopath if you wish

i just want to be emotionless
it would be so carefree

i want to live without a care
free me from this web of tears

squeeze out the last tears
from my empty soul

you will see the black emptiness

spilling over the edges
  Oct 2015 Sanam ojha
There was once, a truth and a lie,
One reality and one illusion,
A reality and an illusion of reality.
Only is that the lie, that illusion of truth,
Was a mirror.
A mirror that nowadays,
Has been divided
Divided into hundreds of thousands of pieces.
We have one truth and hundreds of thousands of lies,
And in each lie, you see the truth.
You see a reflection of the truth.
If, you are lucky.
Otherwise, You only gonna have the reflection of a reflection,
of the reflection, of a reflection.
If you keep looking for the truth,
You only going to find, reflections of it.
You only going to keep looking, for reflections.
Because the truth,
Is you.
The truth is,
Within you.
Stop looking around,
Look for the truth within you.
Everything is within you, don't waist time looking around, every answer is within your heart, within your soul...Just close your eyes, close the "reason" in you, breath...breath, and look for that light within you....
  Oct 2015 Sanam ojha
Look at the stars tonight
As we see the same light
And in that moment
It will be alright

If you miss a falling star
I'll catch it for you
Keep it in my heart
And we can share it too

Keep holding on
As life goes along
Pain is short-lived
As you are so strong

I will hold your hand
And look in your eyes
But it is only then
That our star will shine
My boyfriend sent this to me, and I thinks its interely sweet and adorable of him, He's such an amazing poet. Better then what I could do anyways x3 <3
a gun to my head
a chess game lost, sore loser
i smiled and engaged
This actually happened to me years ago at a wild party. This guy was some mini dons body guard and fancied himself. a good chess player.. well...I survived by acting like he was showing me his neat gun and pretty soon I had in my hands...jeez, it was close though...chess at a biker party, go figure!
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