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 Sep 2017 sage
 Sep 2017 sage
Cry for all the times you didn't die,
Back in the days when you really wanted to,
Cry for the times you took handfuls of pills,
Because the pain in your heart was too real
Cry for the little girl inside,
Who glorified death,
As she cut her very own flesh
Cry for who you are now,
A smiling veil,
A tormented soul behind the mask,
People see your darkness,
There is no way to disregard it
Your only hope is to wash your heart clean,
Of this deep disease
Running through your veins.
 Sep 2017 sage
 Sep 2017 sage
There's a hole in my wall,
It's been there a while.
You ask why it's there,
And I nervously smile.
You offer to fix it,
I politely decline.
It doesn't need fixing,
It's perfectly fine.
I like it there,
But you still insist.
If that hole weren't there,
I wouldn't exist.
You won't give in,
You are rudely persistent.
You assure me that,
It'll be fixed in an instant.
Do you fix it for me,
Or is it only for you?
Now there are left,
Not one hole, but two.
 Sep 2017 sage
 Sep 2017 sage
Feel the vibrational pull,
The tide pulling you under
and spitting you out
Feel the steam from the whistling kettle,
Rising from within the depths of your being,
Screaming to be set free
Where is the intangible demon that has taken your body hostage?
You awaken to memories of being carefree,
It only makes your reality more haunting
It feeds your longing
For a better life,
One you lost along the way
It wasn't your fault,
Circumstances took it away from you,
You clawed at your joy
But they ripped it away,
And put you in a factory,
The factory of Life
Making you a slave
Until the day you die

But look, I can still see the child hiding deep within your eyes
Did you forget how to cry?
This world is a perplexing place
You have an abundace of questions but no answers,
You search for love in all the wrong places,
And you haven't even learned how to love yourself

I had a vision
And a handful of dreams
There is a life beyond this confusion and division
I must make an incision
To see through this veil of chaos
Learn through the storm, and
Find healing in the process.
 Sep 2017 sage
I finally saw you again yesterday,
I walked in,
And there you were
I was surprised to see you,
But I hid it
I acted like
It hadn't been months since I last saw you

We've known eachother for a year now,
You were different yesterday
I was different
We've changed,
We grew
Into something beautiful,
Into something new
And I must confess,
It was so nice to see you
I wish I could openly profess
Just how much I love being near you.
 Sep 2017 sage
 Sep 2017 sage
Clutch tight the tail of the sun.
Shed your tethers
and take that ride into the next.

Redeem the possibility
of limitless tomorrows.
Because today was meant to happen
and yesterdays were never meant
to weigh you down.
 Sep 2017 sage
harlee kae
Sometimes when I'm driving to school
Or washing the dishes
Or going for a jog
I think about how I will never see you again
And recalling
That friendships
Are actually quite fleeting
Fills me with an
Overwhelming desire
To cry

And it's been years
And I'm doing great
Better even
Then I was before.

But I think my mind forgets
That some things are forever
Even if those things are endings
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