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Some say He’s invisible
Though we all know He’s invincible
His breath alone parted the sea
Well, He’s Jehovah nissi

Three in one, one in three
You’ve got Him, you’re free
His thought alone makes me the opposite of sad
Thinking too deep of Him could even run one mad

He’s as big as, the earth is barely His foot stool
Still could be as small as, speaking through you
Unspeakable is His power
He sees a thousand years as an hour
He brings out mighty trees from little seeds
From human to ants, He feeds

How big could His brain be?
That He knows the numbers of our hair
How deep could He see?
That He reads our thoughts so bare and clear

His being is the meaning of holiness
His breath is called faithfulness
Holy, holy, angels keep calling
In His presence, all knees helplessly falling

Through His fear, Wisdom is born
Therefore to all glory should return
His mercy brings me into better days
His love is spoken to me in different ways

His ways makes me speechless
His works, clean, explicable, and faultless
On both good and evil He shines His sun
Still for both, He sent His son

Mountains and oceans flee at His anger
Yet He never forgets His position as the Father
He delights in making good things better
Since He’s Jehovah ralpha

Two things I can’t comprehend is
He was, He is, and still yet to come
Yet He unconditionally loves someone like me
He sure defines ALMIGHTY.

                                                                                                            - David Omodunmiju
The most meaningful flower
      I ever received was from
   a blind homeless fella who said
             it matched my essence
true story, he was a Vietnam vet down on his luck but his spirit never wavered,  i used to bring him coffee-and whenever i could - he disappeared one day, i never did find out what happened to him. this one's for you JC.
Since the day you went away
I just wanna close my eyes 'til i sleep
Cause I rather see you in my dreams
Than wake up without you
 Jul 2015 Rashid Nawaz
Earl Jane

                                                              ­      I dig deeper into your love,

Not knowing the deeper I go,

                                          The nearer I get to hell.

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
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