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 Aug 2013 S H Miller
Katelyn Rew
Blue eyes, blonde hair, red lips, intense stare,
self doubt, dark soul, your eyes bore a hole,
hard kiss, quick ****, over fast, no luck,

leaving now, going home, so cold, so alone,
shiver shake earthquake, so unreal, so fake,
tears trickle down my face, so slow, quicken pace,
still there on the brink, another drug, another drink,
block you out, so numb, want to hide, want to run,

Far away, leave it all, the more i think, the more i fall,
Shut my mind, shut you out, feeling sick, full of doubt,
Too hard, you’re always there, look at you, try not to stare,
Fake smile, cold hello, nervous laugh, hard swallow,
little hope drains away, another moment, another day,

Time goes on, hope it heals, because I hate how it feels,
But for now, I crave your touch, I want you now, miss you so much.
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
I thought I could do it.
You picked me up in the same car we made so many memories in this summer.
The same car that creaks when you shut the door.
The same car that seats are too low and I have to strain my neck to see over the dashboard.
The same car I decided I was in love with you in.
It was bittersweet.
I thought i'd be okay.
I thought it'd be easy.
We were supposed to sit in awkward silence
and turn up the radio until we got to her house and I could break from the tension.
But instead you were charming and you made cackle.
And you got behind the wheel and drove like you owned the road.
The wind howled through the open windows and I was in the most blissful state of mind.
I never told you how much I loved to just watch you drive.
I could sit for hours in that very passenger seat and just watch the road disappear under the tires.
You got out of the car and walked into the gas station and the first thing I thought to myself was
"**** **** **** **** **** ****..."
That familiar feeling in my heart began to sweep over my soul and course through my veins.
I breathed in the scent of gasoline and cinnamon.
I glided my fingers across the soft leather of the steering wheel and sat back and thought of how
I fit so perfectly in that seat.
Like it was made for me.
Like you were made for me.
You glided effortlessly into the car and cranked the engine.
It roared to life
and chills danced up my spine.
I couldn't face you.
I couldn't look in your eyes.
Because I knew if I did I would be hooked again.
I knew your deep brown eyes would seep into me and cause me to shiver.
So I stared out the window and watched the world pass me by.
Mindless small talk kept me busy from thinking about how incredibly not over you I was.
I'm incredibly not over you.
I miss you.
And that car.
And the sweat spots on our backs from the sun and the leather.
It was bitter sweet.
And as soon as you dropped me off my breathing returned to normal
and the feeling in my finger tips came back.
As I watched your taillights fade into the distance I ****** in the cold night air,
and turned to the sky, hoping to fill the void in my stomach with the stars.
As much as I hate to admit,
I'm yours.
I'm still yours.
I'm still incredibly yours.

We never know how high we are
Till we are asked to rise
And then if we are true to plan
Our statures touch the skies—

The Heroism we recite
Would be a normal thing
Did not ourselves the Cubits warp
For fear to be a King—
 Jun 2012 S H Miller
Chris Hunts
I know our paths are hard to see. They twist and turn and bend and flee.
They dip and dive and curve up high sometimes disappear into the sky.
But just in case-somewhere down the road. Your path meets mine in some abode.
I want you to know that nothing has changed. My heart is yours forever chained. And until the sky comes crashing down, or God Himself comes into town.
And tares me away from the earth, or buries me deep within the dirt.
Or until my heart no longer beats, until my lungs with breath do cease.
Until I am no longer me. Was or are, can or be.
Until I stop all functions of- you I promise to always love.
 May 2012 S H Miller
There is something deep inside of you
that no one else can see
it is something that is burried deep
so not even you can look and see

There is something burried so deep
inside of you something scary
something if anyone saw they would run
run away and never look back  
this is the reason why
you keep your secret hidden away

There is something burried deep
inside of you that you have never
let anyone see
but yet no one has every tried
to open this hidden box burried so deep

There is something hidden
so very very deep inside of you
it makes me want to see
it makes me want to see
the light of your misery
it draws me near and ever so excites
the curiosity dwelling inside of me

There is something deep inside of you
that will come out someday

There is something deep inside of you
that shall never frighten me away
so open up that box inside
share the secrets within
copyright 9.8.10 tlb
 Apr 2012 S H Miller
Shelby Young
A blank canvas
waiting to be painted,
waiting to turn into
the ocean
with gentle waves
slicing deeply
into the slowly falling sunbeams.

It waits
to become
the jagged edge
of the highest mountain imagined by its evil creator.
Vicious trees budding
giving birth to more complex ideas,
that will soon be on their own.

It waits
to evolve
into a mama holding her baby in her arms
in the rocking chair
in the front room
with a look
as if she'll always remember,
always remember that tone
in her baby's bright blue eyes
that's whispering "comfort"

It waits
to morph
into something it wants to accept,
something it wants to be,
something it wants to love.
It waits
for its future.
There have been times that have been trying;
been times I’ve felt like dying,
and, sure as hell, there has been crying
but isn’t that what teenage life is all about?

about the pain,
about the tears;
the callowness of younger years,

half broken hearts,
& half free souls,
& feeling like we’re never whole.

'Cause enough is never quite enough,
when you’re faced by the obscene;
the mean, green, in-between.

— The End —