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 Feb 2015 Ryan Jakes
you have opened me up,
sewn me from the inside out;
stitching back together every
broken piece within me, every
cutting shard of distrust  

each tiny gesture
has been no sleight of hand,
but an intentional grasp on a fragile pencil with which
you have written me down,
rejuvenated me;
fastened the seatbelt across my beating heart, and
I am determined to love.
, finally.
 Feb 2015 Ryan Jakes
Mark Lecuona
you found flowers inside my head
because you watered me with kindness
so gentle
that breezes blow
following the trace of my veins
along-side my mistaken beliefs
what is dark is evil
what is inside conspires
becoming vines
clinging desperately to who we are
but you changed all that
opening me up to you
with whispers so fragile
I became rigid
so each goose bump could set sail
to the cool air of your love
 Feb 2015 Ryan Jakes
 Feb 2015 Ryan Jakes
she carries
her stark
in finely
spun verse;
but sharp
are the
scars that
push their
way through
her fragile
of words.
Oh to be there when you wake, your skin sweet and warm with the echoes of slumber. To watch as your smile dawns, more beautiful than any sunrise that has ever brought my world to life. 

To place my head upon your shoulder, my fingers coiled around yours, as our limbs tangle in hope of purchase against our parting and kisses bloom sweeter than any gift man's heaven could bestow.

Oh to lay there in stillness, silent against the insistent morning as love draws breath and home is found within whispers of tomorrow.
After many, many storms,
There's a singular leaf
Still hanging on.
Shaking and twisting
With an arthritic hold
On one bare branch.
It doesn't seem likely
This leaf will remain.
Today I'm gripping
The same.
I'll sing of all the ways I miss you
and how this sorrow came to be
the verses, lies I should have whispered
the chorus, truths in harmony.

The melody will break the silence
and call your broken heart to me
to be repaired by love unyielding
to broken hymns in minor key.
Depression lies and makes us push those we love most away, sometimes so far away that they can never return.
I push, with all my might
as my mind attacks your silence
and my heart whispers stop.

I believe for a second, then stumble,
clutching at hope,
in a last ditch attempt 
to hold on to myself,
to you,
to us.

I push again, harder now
drowning in defiance
as tears burn pallid flesh
and skin is softly bruised
by diagnosed loathing and sharpened hands.

I push once more
your name now an echo
too late upon my lips
an unwanted cry to the weary,
ever to remain unanswered.
 Jan 2015 Ryan Jakes
Tyler Durden
If you really would like to know my name is Amsterdam.
I've been floating here for awhile,
Somewhere along the way the person
Holding me together let go.
But For the most part
I guess you could call me, happy.
The thing I've noticed with people,
They always find a problem with everything,
You can't just sit back and see that the fog behind her eyes are the very thing that makes her perfect.
Life just isn't told that way.
I know someone out there has to agree.
Someone out there has to be something like me.
I'll just float along watching you from here, wishing I could fix your problems,  show you the way the rain smells is maybe all you need to smile again.
So I'll stay here until I find where I belong.
Until I find someone to hold me into place again.
I know this isn't really a poem, but I was thinking of developing this into a screenplay, fleshing it out and turning it into visual poetry. But I wanted to get feedback from you all first. So please let me know what you think.
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