Where are you? Can you hear me?
Can we communicate right now?
It's your son, and I've grown older,
but still so much I don't know how.
It's just a few years since you've left us,
though for many you were ready.
I saw you fade but to a whisper,
from a voice so strong and steady.
And though you may have thought
I couldn't wait for you to die;
Today, I stand bewildered.
I beg for one more chance to try.
To try to ask you how you did it;
be a husband and a dad?
Things I never thought to ask you,
or did not know how since I was mad.
But, they throw food across the table.
Constantly fight and misbehave,
and then my wife feels so defeated.
(You must be turning in your grave.)
I worry so I've failed my boys.
As I remember, so once did you.
Though my brothers and I, we made it.
Just exactly how, **I never knew.
The things I never saw you do,
yet, you must've done somehow.
Solving all the world's dismays.
Never failing in your vow.
You made it look so easy.
So calm and yet concerned.
No question left unanswered.
No compliment unearned.
You always looked undaunted.
Did you ever want to run?
Where did you find the answers
on exactly how to raise a son?
I sat smugly as a young man
dismissing all you said to me.
But, sadly now I sit here
wishing for one more chance to see.
raising my own boys, wishing my Dad was still around. I miss you Dad