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Kelsey Rose Apr 2015
you’re probably going to dance with another girl who will taste like fresh picked strawberries and smell of the flower blossoms
that crown her hair
and you’re probably going to choke down 5 shots of straight ***** and get the thought of me out of your head and focus on the girl dancing with you who wants to be your apple pie but you can’t see the diamonds in her eyes because you’re staring at the ones hanging around her neck and you can’t feel her pull you in closer because she’s reaching farther behind your head tapping shoulders of random guys she’s never even met
and when this happens I hope you run to the dingy bathroom and splash your face with ***** water and ***** up the words you never said because while you’re out drowning your heart in things I shouldn’t care about I’m here looking at the moon whispering how much I loved you
and if you take her home I swear to God the moonlight will keep you awake no matter what time it is and you’ll watch it shine across your bedroom floor where we danced and laughed
and I almost told you that you are my night sky
and I hope the light catches your attention more than the sight of her would and I hope when you wake up all your remember is that roses are my favourite scented flower
and you can’t escape the light of the moon
I cant remember exactly why this exists.
  Nov 2014 Kelsey Rose
This revolution's got a lot to say
This revolution needs to be heard
Don't sit down, don't die
This isn't your time
This is war in the streets,
This will not be beat,
And I will tug my feet through the muck
The muck of a beaten generation
And I will drag my children out of the cells
And I will fight for freedom, I will fight for freedom
And I will stand up, don't back down
Listen to the beat of the drumming hearts
I will drag my feet through the muck
I will drag my feet through the muck
No war, not anymore
No war, not anymore, this is a revolution
This is here and now, this is us and we won't back down
This is a revolution.
  Nov 2014 Kelsey Rose
I'm angry and upset
I can't understand this
What is wrong with people?
Can't we all just get along?
Can't we look past colour
and exist in harmony?
Why does it always end
In gunshots and death?
Where is all the love?
Where is all the hope?
People scared to go out
Children scared to live
This should not be happening
And yet *it is
Kelsey Rose Nov 2014
Sunlight melts through my window,
golden ribbons reaching out to the floor.
I sit up, shifting my covers.
I close my eyes for a moment,
and then look down at lines that paint my hands.
I clench my fists, and take a deep breath.
There is a crooked pain in my back, and a small knot in my neck.
I stretch, and then continue to yawn,
before I look out my window again, and stare.
How many miles away are you?
Are you waking up now too?
Do you still love me, this new day?
Kelsey Rose Nov 2014
I raise my horn the the stand, and scream at the people that sit and stare.
I hold back my breaths, and I try not to care
About the wind that fingers and tugs at my hair.

The crowds cheer and cry, and I hold my bell high,
as I step back one, two, three-four-five
We're running out of time.

I end the note, and bring the bell down,
My feet steady and balanced on the ground,
And suddenly, the field is void of sound.

People are quiet, for a moment, before they all begin to stand
And they all cheer for our large, amazing band
I halt my row with a wave of my hand.

We gather up, straight faced, and proud
I glance forward, to look for my folk amongst the crowd
But all I see is an ocean of strangers  to enshroud
I'm thinking back to my first marching Band competition. My parents refused to show.
How loyal?
Kelsey Rose Nov 2014
"We are so disappointed in you."
I know.
"Can't you be more like your brothers?"
I can't.
"You are such an ungrateful child."
I'm sorry.
"Stop crying, get over it."
Yes Ma'am.
"You don't deserve what you have."
Yes Sir.
So, I come from a very bad family, I'll admit. My parents are verbally abusive, and I can do nothing but stand by and nod. I'm afraid. I really am.
  Nov 2014 Kelsey Rose
the kind of girl who craves
falling leaves
and coffee shop loves
with the soft plucks of a guitar
and the vague taste of tobacco
on his tongue
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