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 Oct 2017 rose
I love it when my
kids come home after
being at work all day
They say 'mum what's
for dinner' I say I'm
only cooking a omelette
tonight for dinner
since your all off down
the pub with dad to
play snooker , even though
your all colour blind
thank god dads there
to tell you colour of the *****!
Anyway I will see you off
and wave goodbye to you
for a few hours as I am
going to read my book
which as gripped me
to read till the end!
Hey when you come
back later pick up some
macdonalds please..I'll
have a chicken wrap with
chips and a Diet Coke..

Well that sums up my night
tonight pretty well :)
My lot always go snooker Thursday night and tonight I'm catching up on my book x
 Oct 2017 rose
Autumn Rose
... So I bravely
gazed into the night sky
and my big eyes were suddenly
filled with the past,
while shedding tears
of dead memories ...*

When we look into the night sky, we are actually looking at the past. Most stars that we see are already dead because the light takes  millions of years to reach Earth
 Oct 2017 rose
Autumn Rose
Running fast in the middle of the corn,
the little maid held a red maple leaf
as she began to sing:
,, For golden Autumn I do not morn,
but for the blackberries that perished of grief,,

Her hair of marigold in the wind swung
and her cheeks were bright and rosy
when she once again in her silvery voice sung :
,, Oh October, month of gold,
how beautiful sights you give me to see ,,

Alas, the sun soon started to set behind the hill
and made her smile to slowly fade
when, from the woodland, the wind gave her a chill:
,, Little maid, leave October's canvas of art
and go home before nightfall freezes your fragile little heart  ,,
 Oct 2017 rose
Ryan Holden
It's not the fall that
breaks me, it's knowing I have
no arms to catch me.
 Oct 2017 rose
I want to be that girl you knew in high school
You associate me with the colour of my notebook
I always had an extra pencil or a bottle of water
I drank tea
yeah, that was it
I wore galaxy tshirts flowy skirts
And I was only there for a second
You turned away from me and I was gone
I walked home from school, you never saw me on buses or in car lines
But you saw me walking my dog
I went to every show you were in
I left a note in your cast bag each time
I invited you hiking every weekend in the spring
I never went
You always noticed when I wore a dress because I almost never wore a dress
We were in all the same classes
You always asked me "how I did on that test"
But you can't remember
You met my dog once,
When I was walking her through the park and you were fishing with your dad
that was you?
You remember me by my glasses and the length of my pony tail in gym
You remember me by my essays which the teacher used as examples
You remember me by the Facebook request that you never accepted or declined
You think you know me, but you can't remember
You saw me at a football game once,
Or at the library some Saturdays
You saw my online profile listed next to "people you may know"
I have worked so hard to be part of your background
Said no one, ever.

Please comment :)
 Oct 2017 rose
 Oct 2017 rose
I believe that now,
more than ever,
we are in need of souls
that pour their hearts
onto paper at 3am.

When the world is quiet,
that's when we hear the best.
 Oct 2017 rose
We leave
other lives
the way we
move out
of houses.
Maybe we
don't fit,
or the area
is dangerous,
or there's
a fire, or
there's just
too much
room to grow.
An old house
is still a home,
it just isn't
for you
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