all prayers are answered,
even if
they appear not to be
all prayers are answered,
even if
the answer is not to our liking
all prayers are answered,
even if,
tho not to our liking,
the answer is correct and
(or not)
all prayers are answered,
even if,
even if our questions rarely get
a satisfactory response
in the answer
should it come,
will nervy never be
a fulfilling completeness,
a real understanding
for all prayers and all questions,
never give the,
cannot give
credibility to the posing,
why me?
why them?
which is why we pray,
and why we question
every day for the rest of our lives,
till it is someone else's turn,
to bear the burden of the
both the question
and the answer*
Posted with his permission and my condolences sincere over the passing of his family member after a long and torturous illness...