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rohini singal Nov 2016
lub-dub lub-dub
defense-less, defea-ted,
deafen-ing drum-ing
bea-ting heart
unwanted reminder of life
rohini singal Sep 2016
She sits alone, in the dark recesses of her mind,
Memories resurface like a drowning child.
Things never imagined mar her ****** form,
Her mind is retreated, into a world of its own.
She serves those above her,
she serves those below,
she thrashes and cries out, but she never stirs.
Images fade into darkness and days pass her by,
An empty shell of the life she once had despised.
And then the footsteps on the hard, dingy floor,
Announcing an arrival, as unwanted as a sore.
An automated routine, a drugged consciousness,
Then, once more she is dark and alone,
With nothing but her tears, reflecting the pain,
The only thing she owns.
Slowly but surely, light creeps into the sky,
One more day to survive, one more day to die.
Her head is raised slightly as sunrise colours the sky,
Stirrings in the human dwellings, people passing by.
The tiny ounce of hope she held is shattered at the sight,
A ghoulish figure that could have been on the other side.
The tattered hand of destiny, playing havoc with lives.
rohini singal Sep 2016
feel like nothing
like am nothing
nor was ever anything
nor will amount to something
scooped out like a melon
leaving a great gaping void
in the center of my chest
e m p t y
of thought, action, motivation,
drained of energy
of life of joy
of everything
e    m       t     y
of identity
e                     y
in heart
rohini singal Sep 2016
there are times when everything is impossible

when i am capable of nothing

there are days when i just can’t seem to move

to act to work to fall into the old grooves

worn into my life by routine and expectations

there are days when it is impossible for me to do anything

when the words i am possible make me want to curl up into a ball

or punch someone in the face if only it didn’t take so much effort

there are days when it is impossible for me to paste on a smile

times when it is impossible for me do anything but lie down

despondent and tired

it is impossible for me sometimes to care

to lend a single tear to you

a pitiful ear

there are things that are so out of my control that it is impossible 

not to feel helpless, not to roll over and say no

there are things that feel impossible

in their sheer ginormity

or even in the challenges they present

it becomes impossible for me to just snap out of it like you say

to make myself want to live again

it becomes impossible not to wonder
what life would be like

if i were just to sleep

for all of eternity

it becomes impossible to hope

to dream

to feel

it becomes impossible for me to do anything but sleep

lost in the land of dreams where the dull monotony of life

is transformed into the impossible creation of my imagination
rohini singal Sep 2016
I held you in high regard,
your regard my deepest desire.

I wanted nothing but that spark of approval in your eyes
So I removed mine, blind to your faults,
And broke my bones, reattached them where you pleased,
mutated myself into a response to your needs.

I bent over backwards trying to make myself worthy of you,
worthy of a two second glance, of a slight uptick of lips,
when it struck me,
like a lightning bolt;
an epiphany.

I am not a contortionist.

I am not a mound of clay
to be moulded according to your expectations.

I am not water in a receptacle,
assuming the shape of it,
spreading myself thin or shrinking myself to fit.

I am the sea, the ocean, wild and free
and a little bit tempestuous,
a little bit uncertain,
a little bit blue,
but mostly,
not tamed by you-
not tempered by your desires-
not contained in your claustrophobic boundaries.

No more this simpering shadow of myself,
No more the swallowing of my words, choking on my laughter,
No more this false tittering at your behest,
No more the unravelling of my identity like a spool of thread,
No more the restitching of my being to be your best, not mine.
No more you, anymore,
Only more me.
  Sep 2016 rohini singal
we're not lovers
we're not friends
we've been mistaken for both
what side are you on?
rohini singal Sep 2016
talk to me about paradigm shifts theories of perception and escher’s paradoxes
but talk also to me about what you had for lunch or the weather or about foxes
because nothing is too small or too daunting
when you're the one doing the talking.
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