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rohini singal Sep 2016
i look up at the stars
and marvel
at the synapses firing
in those who looked at the sky
and thought of
making something out of scattered ***** of fire
where three dots in the sky
become the belt of orion the hunter
and the north star remains
the constant navigator
i look up at the skies
and see the stars as
they saw before me
and marvel.
rohini singal Sep 2016
I am made of memories
Like photographs stuck on a string
With clothespin
I am a series of thoughts
One commencing from the tail-end of another
Like a giant ouroboros
I am a web of consciousness
Ensnaring, seducing
into the deepest darkest pit
Of an entangled existence
Wires crossed over
Synapses misfiring
I am made of half baked theories
And pieces of knowledge
A flawed perception
Of an equally flawed world
rohini singal Sep 2016
you call my name and my heart stops
before racing double time
a rhythm beating in my chest
in response to your voice

i hear phantom words
your phantom laugh
the phantom feeling of your fingers on mine
as you grab my hand
and we laugh together at you smacking me in the face

your hair dances in the wind
and i want to run my hands through it
we compare lengths
and i tease you, tell you mine is better
and you agree

you crack an unfunny joke and i laugh
because everything you say sounds funny to me
as if you’ve taken up residence
between my ribs
and are tickling them with your very existence

your shirt is open at the collar
and your neck calls to my lips
the impulse to trace patterns onto your skin
and leave a mark
too strong

you share a look with me
when you find someone else amusing
as if we are co-conspirators
a unit against the rest of the world

you hug me so encompassing
that i never want to leave the circle of your arms
i want to linger and hear your heartbeat respond to mine
and smell your cologne on me
for the rest of the day

you whisper in my ear
observations, jokes, utter nonsense
and my pulse races as i lean closer
snatching away these small moments
to keep with me
when you’re not here
rohini singal Sep 2016
I look at her from afar,
Laughter spilling from her soft lips,
Eyes ******* up in mirth,
Hand resting on his sleeve.
My heart constricts, fear renews,
And a thousand bejeweled words,
Are buried under the desire, the ache and the bile,
That rise with her smile.
Her mundane, uninteresting talk,
Washes over me as her animated eyes,
And feather soft tread hold me captivated.
A thousand fantasies spilling from the sight
Of her tongue roving across her mouth,
Her gesticulating hands, her glistening lip.
I, who she deems a close friend, betray her
By my thoughts, my wandering mind, my yearn
For her and everything that comes with her.
A harmless attraction transcends the mere physicality
Into the realm of emotion.

— The End —