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i wanted to capture that moment in time
like a black and white moving polaroid,
complete with sounds
and smells
and feelings.
i wanted to hang it
on my bedroom wall
and revisit it whenever
i felt lonely
or sad.
i wanted to reach through
the photo paper
and jump back in
and relive the moment
where i was most happy.
but i can't do that.
you are gone.
you have been gone
for so long now
and nothing can take away
the longing in my heart.
you are gone.
They’ll be rockin’ in Heaven
Down St. Peter’s Gate Way.
Chuck Berry passed over,
But he still can play.

True King of Rock,
He’ll live for evermore.
And he’ll keep duck walking,
Along that golden shore.

His guitar keeps twanging,
Wah wah tlang tang tang.
Ya want a Showman?
Chuck’s still yer man.

He died at ninety.
It was very sad.
But now he’s up there,
I’m sure that God is glad.

He’ll love that Rock N Roll Music,
Chuck’s sense of humour too.
A touch of Devil also,
When he sings the blues.

So all you Saints and Angels,
You better move and hurry,
For they all want to dance with
That amazing Chuck Berry.

Paul Butters
For my greatest musical Hero. With echoes of "Sweet Little Sixteen"......
My mom always told me not to do drugs, "you'll get addicted"

She also told me not to drink Alcohol, "you will get addicted"

Then, she would say never smoke "you'll get addicted"

When you avoid the possible. You still  find something to get addicted to.

I was trying to find the void of all the bad things. Until, I learned the worst thing I got addicted to was you.
We've all been addicted to something, but, I believe he was my favorite drug.
I'm tired
I'm tired
I'm so tired.
It's a violent tiredness
That pulls my whole body
Toward the center of the earth
With such complete force
That I can't even take my jacket off.
I go to bed earlier, thinking I'll get more sleep
And I'll feel better.
But my body treats me poorly.
I wake up feeling even more shaky and drained
And weak
Than the day before.
I get less sleep, thinking oversleeping may have been the problem.
By midday I'm swimming in my own lethargy
Drowning in this lack of energy
Absorbed in this painful fight to stay awake.
I do everything right
But my body ignores me.
Every day is the same.
I'm tired.
I'm so tired.
I've been abused
Bla bla bla
My life's been *****
Bla bla bla
Nothing's the same
Bla bla bla
I tremor as I sleep in chains
Bla bla bla
My waking dreams and nightmares are the same
Bla bla bla
Last night I tried to **** myself in the rain
Bla bla bla
The trauma might get better but will never go away (fully change)
Bla bla bla
My brother died last week
Bla bla bla
He left me this ring
Bla bla bla
I wore it straight unto the grave
Bla bla bla
And never once told I'm gay
You're gay?
Oh god...
But gay
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