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 Dec 2014 NYC
Ben Jonson
Wouldst thou hear what man can say
In a little? Reader, stay.
Underneath this stone doth lie
As much beauty as could die;
Which in life did harbor give
To more virtue than doth live.

If at all she had a fault,
Leave it buried in this vault.
One name was Elizabeth,
Th' other let it sleep with death;
Fitter, where it died to tell,
Than that it lived at all. Farewell.
 Dec 2014 NYC
 Dec 2014 NYC
I do envy those who claim they have never been lonely. I envy that they have never felt that pain like I so often have. But I also pity them. I pity those who haven’t fallen to the lowest depths of human sadness. I pity those who have never climbed down the ladder of depression into the deepest well of suffering. Because if you haven’t experienced the misery, if you haven’t experienced the total absence of everything good, how can you expect to appreciate the joy?
 Dec 2014 NYC
shosho Rea
Thank You.
 Dec 2014 NYC
shosho Rea
Thank you to the writers.
You somehow manage to portray a feeling that I a reader cannot put out there, you seem to understand what I am going through let it be pain, love, happiness, you understand me... Thank you for making me feel safe with your words. For making me feel as if I am not the only one.

To the readers.
Thank you for taking your time to listen to our words, to feel our emotions and being there for us just by reading our vulnerability. You accept us for what we really are.

To those who made a huge impact.
Thank you for the pain, the love and the chaos, Its been the best experience that has given us such motivation to keep writing and inspiration to those who needed someone to talk on their behalf.

To poetry.
Thank you for being my escape from reality, God knows how much I need it. Thank you for being more than just art but a way of Life. Thank you
I'm not really good with outing my words, I can't say **** properly out loud, but for some reason when I have a pen and paper or a laptop, my phone or even where its sandy, my words just flow. Every bit of me is put out there. And I thank God for that.
 Dec 2014 NYC
Morgan B
What happened to all those,
I love you's,
And I couldn't live without you's?
Are they all just gone?
 Dec 2014 NYC
Daniel Tabone
What did I do,
To deserve you?
Why should I be the one,
To call you mom?

Did I lead a perfect previous faith?
Am I a reincarnated saint?

Neither, I am just lucky,
I was brewed in your tummy;

All I know about you,
Is that I am grateful,
That you make my life,
So full;

Being your son,
Is what I do best,
Even if,
I am such a pest;

I love you mom;
A poem about my mom
 Dec 2014 NYC
Alisandra Gray
I was addicted to you;
you were allergic to me.
© Alisandra Gray, 2014.
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