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we did feed, on pine cone nibs
wild onion and garlic under a lonesome willow tree,
we fed good on unconditional love,
woke up with sun listening to doves
and Mulberry trees grew all over us a ruby
red berry fed us  then
in an unconditional like love
ourselves giving  in to the shade
the dream of a willow tree providing us
magnificents cool on a hot day,
breezes wound us up and deposited us like
on a fertile field,
wrapped around nature wrapped around
each other
You know the feeling,
waking up next to a stranger, thinking,
I don't remember him; her.

You remember you
do looking at no reflection
in the mirror, you must.

The revelations that
the dust on the  pillow
is you hair falling out.

It, nothing matters,
if your rusty pipes
leak constantly like a dam

with a hole a finger
jammed in, or a pole flies
a flag of stars and stripes.

We all are humans
some meaningful
thing told me when

I sought  the reasons.
start a revolution where we just  love
no colors excluded no names called us but humans:
Peace is the resistance!
Make a dream where blue white clouds black skies
red eyes no longer cry
where color don't matter, it up to me
and you to do,
Where children walk down streets of brilliant rainbows.
Why do we see colors?
it's nice to know that you think of me sometimes.
that my name forms on the tip of your tongue.
that i cross your mind.

it's nice to know that sometimes you might see something that reminds you of me.
it's nice to know that i'm still there,
that i haven't disappeared or gone silent in your head.

it's nice to know that i still matter,
even if it's only in the slightest bit.

after all, that's all i ever wanted.

quick write. **

Take all away from me, but leave me Ecstasy,
And I am richer then than all my Fellow Men—
Ill it becometh me to dwell so wealthily
When at my very Door are those possessing more,
In abject poverty—
 May 2015 Renee Anderson
its been so cold
lately, our skin get goosebumps
we hide under your covers
and hug it out till the summer
theres something telling me " you're  the one"
i still can't believe I'm the one
who gets to hold you,kiss you
run my hand through your black hair
and stare deep into your eyes

and i can't take it!
my love, you make me crazy
with the way  you smile
and stare
darling we've  said so many times
but i can say it forever more
My heart shudders, vibrates
With your presence vacant
Return soon or sadness consumes
Whenever you are near
Flickers of hope burns brilliant
As the future befalls unclouded
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