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 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani
 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani
And so it takes my breath away,

yanks it out of my throat

and tosses it to the wind.

  I am left mute,

and when my lips part,

only empty air is able to escape.

  The shadow laughs

at the tears that roll down my face

as I watch my voice drift away

  on the summer breeze.
 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani
Everything is glowing like
Xmas, but there are no
Presents, there is only the
Looming cloud of death, hanging
Over us all, casting a gruesome
Shadow that no one can escape.
It reaches out a single hand, resting its fingers
On the earth. Suddenly,
N**othing exists anymore.
Kiss of love and everyone becomes a poet,
Some are breaking down and others are wandering around,
Sleepless nights and dreaming in day light begins,
You talk for hours like its the first time,
She becomes your life and you ignore this world for her,
With this kiss of love,
Everyone becomes soft,
You start seeing this dark world brighter than ever,
And when she smiles everything becomes colorful,
Just one kiss of love can change you,
Either for good or worst,
This kiss is something you can't forget.
Its hard to leave someone you love,
Someone you can't live without,
Those memories won't fade away,
Stuck in head all the time,
Its hard to say goodbye,
When you know its the last one,
With a heavy heart I'm leaving,
And slowly I'm moving,
That was my last goodbye to someone I adore.
When sorrows sorround you,
When things depress you,
When you are unable to express your emotions,
When you are forced to supress your passion,
When you keep failing everytime,
When you can't fight the hardships of life,
When you start hating everything,
When you end up thinking suicidal things,
Those moments when you feel helpless,
And you begin to act way too careless,
Then comes the time to fight,
Hold your breath tight,
Bring that smile on your lips,
Not for me,not for you,but for those who care about you.
Never give up.
Pictures of dead people I know
are smiling and are so full of life
hanging on my wall
reminding me
to seize this day,
because it's not cliche,
and it won't come again.
My imaginary friend got kidnapped today,
My pet unicorn ran away,
The voices won’t talk to me in my brain,
Oh god I am going sane!
My straight jacket just came loose,
My left and right brain just made a truce,
There’s no poison in my rain,
Oh god I’m going sane!
The shadows aren’t chasing me,
The psych ward just set me free,
I can’t feel my tail not even when it’s in pain,
Oh god I’m going sane!
The doctor said I need no more pills,
My right hand lost it’s free wills,
Somethings finally right in my brain,
Oh god I’m going sane!
There are no worms in my nose,
Cartoon characters suddenly only exist in shows,
And theres no bomb on my toy train,
Oh god I’m going sane!
Big foot and the tooth fairy wont visit me anymore,
And school is a total bore,
Blood is red not rainbow in my vein,
Oh god I’m going sane!!!
I'm the morning whisper that punches you in the gut
the winning lottery ticket that you didn't buy
an inconvenience with impeccable timing
the drinks you spill on nameless lovers
i'm the giggle when a dog sniffs your hand
i'm a naked water fight in January for no reason
i'm cold pillows shaped like a former lover
your favorite t-shirt when it's lost
and found
the drip drip in the sink when you wanna sleep
the creepy crawlers you can't shake
the colorful wrapper with nothing inside
a no vacancy sign at the end of the road
your vulnerability when you're most tender
i'll call you names when you're not looking
look at you funny when you're not listening
i'm the sense that doesn't make,
the only sense there is
i'm your senses when you want to shut me out
the wrong L-word at just the right time
i'm your second chance when you need a third
the maybe, when you really wanted a yes
i'm what feels your pain
the broken promise that brings you more-
what turns the tide when you're not looking
i'm a moonlit midnight swim
i'm sometimes ****-naked
your favorite shade of lipstick
i am your guardian angel
the absence you hold
i'm the scenic route after a bump in the road
the sunset drive that saves your soul
i'm the texture of wet sand between your toes
the burn in every tear you've cried
i'm the vintage dresser you found on a rainy day
the song you hate, stuck on repeat
i count the palm trees when you're not looking
i forget lovers lost and found
i am the one who messes up your hair,
just to dry your tears
i am the vault of all your deepest darkest secrets
always inconvenient and never around
i'm laughter when you least expect it
the 4 am call you don't wanna take
i'm the mirror that sells you lies
the denim shorts that makes your **** look really cute
i'm the cherry (on your wedding dress)
a joyride and a swing-set all in one
i'm what turns you on
what turns you away
i'm your throne
your downfall
your ecstatic,
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