Artistic Amazing
Beautiful Bright Capable Caring
Desirable Delightful Easy-going Enough
Funny Generous Helpful honest Important
Justified Kind I AM Loveable Mature
Needed Original Poetic Quick-witted
Reliable **** Skilled Truthful
Unstoppable Valiant Wise
X-elent Youthful
Italic words are words I need more of a reminder on.
I encourage all of you to choose a positive word (or multiple) from each letter of the alphabet and write it down. Remind yourself every day what a remarkable person you are.
Love yourself. <3
*Agh, didn't get on all day today, but came home to find that this was selected as poem of the day and am so flattered and honored. Thank you so much to everyone for the kind comments. I'm so glad you all liked it. <3