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 Jul 2014 Raphael Uzor
A mere word
     moving worlds
      Powerful  essence  
         bonded by poetry.
What do you think ? What's love ???
This is not a love poem.
That was not love I fell in.
Rose covered graves,
is it death that I'm smelling ?

Fate knocks on my door
and I don't bat an eye.
"Fate can't be ignored !"
well neither can I.

Winter spread across the world
as the days went by.
My men fled the lands
to catch the last of the tides.

Preachers deep in prayer,
seek refuge from the skies.
Monasteries abandoned
in pursuit of the tides.

Drowning in herself,
in service to her pride.
Not a law left unbroken
now show me one I can abide.

Mountains took shelter
where I chose to reside.
Born to the storms that
cast terror upon the tides.

The storms called my name
until I saw it in those eyes.
Disbelief had all but claimed
what I'd salvaged from the tides.
 Jul 2014 Raphael Uzor


or always

can we really trust either?
 Jul 2014 Raphael Uzor
If I told him how much
I actually truly miss him he
wouldn't believe me.
I could message him and pour my
heart out all over his arms,
and he wouldn't believe me.
If I told him I miss the smell of
his room,
watching his meticulous, yet ***** hands work.
All of the answers and the knowledge
that he contained in that absolutely
beautiful misunderstood brain.
He wouldn't believe me,
because he believes that I discarded him
like a cigarette **** out of my window.
Hell, he may not believe me,
even if I mailed every poem I've ever
written about him to his address.
It would be a book by now.
He doesn't know how much I miss
the friend that cared for me when nobody else did.

I have never missed anybody for this amount of time.
But he was never just anybody to me,
he became everything.
-For my dear sweet Iowa <3
 Jul 2014 Raphael Uzor

Painted in a corner

Smeared about the floor

Chants of lone forgiveness

Quiet in the war

“Deafening the sound of death”

Garden roses trampled

Broken stems abound

Wilting on the visions

Blooming losses found

“Petals of peace scattered carelessly”

Blood along the pathway

Eyes hid in the mist

Penning someone else’s name

On this lengthy list

“Alphabetical to the grave”

Standing from the shadows

Crossing battle lines

Reaching for the freedom

Voices loud can find

“Speak up children, your voices matter”

Put aside your weapons

Time has come to cease

The nation now has gathered

United prayer for peace

*“On our hands and knees we pray… send the evil far away”
I was asked to write a poetic prayer for peace by a young friend in Iraq. This is what I wrote.
 Jul 2014 Raphael Uzor
a sincere wish that, as each morning breaks, we mend
...a ten word bedtime story...
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