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I am waiting for the after life...
Not because I am sad or depressed or lonely or heart broken or even sick of this life
but because I think I will find significance there

You see, there is beauty in the darkness that has shaped our world
In all the evil, we will find an awareness that this isn't it
This has never been it
and I don't know why we fear the end as it isn't the end, not really, it is purely the foundation of something fresh

So, I am waiting for the afterlife so I can move on from the task of this life and begin the next....and then the next
For it is all worth something
 Aug 2015 Dustin Goodman
then it just stopped. the movement, the loudness of her world, silenced. her finger tips quit brushing my skin and her breaths became softer each time. longer than the one before. she grew still. and while i laid there, chest pressed against hers, i realized i had found the one thing ive searched for all my life; home.
 Mar 2015 Dustin Goodman
You hold me so close
Sometimes it takes my breath away
Hold me now and never let go
Some times I fear the future
Because its something we never discuss
Its like a wall that we need to climb
So close and yet
Give me a foot up and Ill look over
I promise you will be the first to know
If I have the guts to tell my truths
Entwined in your arms
You are like the missing piece to my puzzle
I don't think I ever want to stop loving you
There is no escape from this place
Motivation is zero
Movement only takes us closer
Only a promise of tomorrow can break this spell
And so be it
I love hard
And fall harder still
You mesmerise me
Like a feeling of enlightened after a spiritual journey
Sometimes I feel vulnerable  
Not sure where this is leading
But unable to let go
Unwilling to ask questions
of what lies beyond the thoughts that you hold
Warmth lingers
Until tomorrow my lover
I would wait a million tomorrows
If I knew for sure you would be here
One last piece of my puzzle
And I am complete
They ask;
“What’s gotten into you?”
If only I knew.
A darkness,
Or a light,
I cannot be sure.
It’s spreading through me,
******* it’s way through my system,
Attaching to my spine,
Becoming my cells,
A replica of me,
but different.
Replaced every so often,
I am new again.
Just like you,
But not at all.
You cannot see to the core of me,
To the center where the silver flashes,
And where the imagination is rampant.
My heart is my own,
And I finally answer;
“All that has gotten into me,
Is myself.”
came swift through the dream
it was like a foul, warm breath
hot w/ raw stench odor
rising symbol of evil

Looming like an unwanted guest
Feeding like a blood leach
vacuuming consciousness
awaiting Bodhisattva
impatiently waiting
scratching at the wall
sitting where you relax
violent, perplexed poltergeist
visions and visions and visions

Running to the other room
to observe the shrill scream
observe w/ your own two eyes
You watch your mother writhing

Whats wrong?

I'm possessed!

Your kidding?

Eyes roll back
complicated convulsion
demonic face warp
the voice morphs
into a devilish crooning baritone

 Mar 2015 Dustin Goodman
Fragmented and broken
This warn body lies upon the floor
Not understanding
That to change this
All I need to do is crawl
Creep silently
Into the heart
Of the nearest stranger
This body has served it purpose
Time to move on
*possession is sweet
She seemed to
fall in love
with everyone
but herself
We loved each other and we knew it, without say a single word but never did anything to show it. They call it 'skinny love', they say we didn't care enough to do something about it. I think we care so much there wasn't an earthly way to describe it.
I dreamt of you and that we kissed. Although I know it wasn't real, I still wake up breathless.
When I traced the freckles on your back, I told you that I had run my fingers through dust from countless stars and galaxies, yet I had never seen a more beautiful constellation.
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