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 Aug 2014 Ramsha Ahmed
i made staircases out of these bones
too young and too fast, the same way
you came and the same way you left.
in those days these lungs were oceans;
this ribcage was sinking. i only wanted
to let the waves wash over, to forget you,
to dissolve me.

we made homes in stairwells when
the light still leaked through the leaves,
when it still spilt orange over faded green.
the times when i was your sky and you
electric blue, the times the strawberries
seeped into your skin; how the cuts
on your fingers made me want to heal
you when i could only
love you more.

but maybe even after all these years
your fingerprints are still etched into me;
i will always carry your hands
in my own.

 Aug 2014 Ramsha Ahmed
David Hall
I’ll be there tomorrow
at least one more time
as long as the sun comes up
and continues to shine

I’ll listen tomorrow
if your heart needs an ear
I’ll help carry your burden
and comfort your fear

I’ll kiss you tomorrow
if your lips feel neglected
I’ll lift up your chin
if you’re feeling dejected

I’ll love you tomorrow
more than I love you today
I’ll love you every tomorrow
and at least one more day
 Aug 2014 Ramsha Ahmed
David Hall
two bolts of lightning
flash at the very same time
you streaking your way
and me streaking mine

for the briefest of moments
together we lit up the sky
then the whole world went dark
with no one left to ask why

that brilliant light is gone forever
all that’s left are cloudy skies
and your afterglow in the lonely dark
at night when I close my eyes
If you're slowly drowning
In a darkness all your own
just whistle and I'll find you
take your hand and lead you home.

If your heart it flounders
slowly tearing at the seams
know that I still hear it beating
in my melancholy dreams.

If your spirit lingers
at the edge of loving light
know that I will stay there with you
know that I will stand and fight.

We will roar at our oppressors
We will wrestle with the dark
so much light can be created
by a single, tiny spark.

Then from the depths we will emerge
in stronger, wiser form
to stand shoulder to shoulder
and face the coming dawn.

For love will always bind us
it holds us sure and true
and there is nothing stronger
than the love I feel for you.
If I got lost as a kid I was told to whistle so that I'd be found, any tune would do. I realise now that the whistling in itself was more of a comfort to me while lost than it ever was a means of finding me....I was a curious child, I got lost a lot..... some things never change.
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