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there are treasures for you but you cannot hold them.  not with your hands stretched this wide because you can know love but it will flow through you.  love can do that.  flowers will wilt and their leaves will dry like they've never known water but the truth is they have.  and i have known you.  and i love you but we will falter.  and i love you but we will rise again.
What was utmost
about her,
was how she could
see something
filled with darkness,
but still manage
to see genuine
not just her kindness,
but grace,
so loudly
that even the most
human being
teared up.
Not help
but to feel strongly,
drawn to her
aura & soul.
A miracle
is what
she was,
and still is
to this day.
 Aug 2014 Ramsha Ahmed
And it hurts
When you're so worthless
To everyone,
Including yourself

When even
Your very best friend
Couldn't be bothered
To save you from hell

When those who
Told you they'd always be there
Left you
With out so much as a thought

And for
All they care
You could sit there
Until you started to rot.

There are days
when the rain seems
like nothing more
than inconvenience,
and puddles, messes,
and noise.

More often than not, though,
the rain has been a friend,
a companion of sorts.

It has lessened the
loneliness in moments
of grief and despair,
as it shared in
and silent tears.

It has covered me
like a warm blanket,
as it washed away
the fears.

More often than not,
the rain has been
a path to renewal,
a baptism most sacred.

Even the melody
and timber of the rain
has often soothed me,
like white noise
can comfort a
restless child.

The rain can consume
and wash out
and drown,
pushing unwanted
memories and dreams
down an any-named road,
for miles and miles.

For me, more often
than not,
it provides shroud
and cover from the sun’s
intense heat,
inspiring gratitude
and most joyful

~ by Mercurychyld
 Aug 2014 Ramsha Ahmed
 Aug 2014 Ramsha Ahmed
And soon I'll forget the color of your eyes
and you'll forget mine.

Isn't it funny
How we become so attached to people
Only to detach months if not years later?

Isn't it funny
How the ones we let our guard down for,
Are the ones that make us build our walls higher then before?

Isn't it funny
How we fall in love
And either remain lovers

Or become

 Aug 2014 Ramsha Ahmed
Hiba Samad
Im sorry I ask of so much,
This heart of mine needs too much,
Hungry that i am,
My desire burns with every swallow,
I need more, more than you can ever give,
More than u will ever know.
My need for irrelevent things highlight the minutes of my day,
Every second without them a pain,
What to do?,
You are incapable of satisfying thirst of my indigent heart.
Yet, still, you try, you angelic creature , Yet you still try
Why, oh, why do you attempt of completing my requests,
When you know I can make this your lifes quest?,
Why do you try when you know of the end,
When you know a thankyou would not be said?,
I love you, yet still I burn you,
I scorch you with my tongue,
Yet still  your heart's melodic love is sung.
Thankyou Lord for blessing me with wonderful beings,
Who forgive the poisonous snake in my mouth,
Which lashes out again and again,
until a wish of mine is fullfilled.
 Aug 2014 Ramsha Ahmed
Hiba Samad
All the flowers whose petals I have plucked,
If I only knew He never really truly loved,
To all the tyres I burned,
If I only knew they wouldn't change their minds ,
To all the trees I had cut down,
If I only knew my book wasn't to be published.

To all the mothers that cried because of me,
If I only held patience rather; when their Child bullied me,
To all my loved ones I say sorry,
If you only knew I could never change truly,
I'm sincerely sorry.

To all the teachers I spoke behind,
No, You were never that; of an ingenious mind,
To all those friends I lost, because of my losing temper,
If I only knew, you weren't as forgiving as my mother.

If only,
All the loss my body had to bear,
And the Childish trinkets my body had to fear,
How heedlessly and needlessly wasted, were my tears,
I knew,
I'm deeply sorry.

To all my guides who thought I aimed at nothing but the best,
If they only knew how afraid I was of my everyday life test,
I'm but sorry.
Fall graciously or do not fall at all,
sin you do not know befriends you;
you do not care to listen to its call,
you are changed, when all is through.

You fell from grace and hurt your soul,
maybe you did not know wrong;
but your conscience knew inside,
that this was not the same old song.

An angel of light she looked to you,
her mystery a sought desire;
she caused your fall and wound,
and burned you with her fire.

We can't know all there is to know,
we're blinded by the golden veil;
we cannot hear our loved ones cry,
when we  begin to fall and fail.

Fall graciously or do not fall at all,
you have no guide, but one;
ignore him at your soul's great cost,
you've a battle yet, that isn't won.
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