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 Jun 2016 Rae E Smart
 Jun 2016 Rae E Smart
and i have never really understood why i hate luggage.
why i barely own handbags,
and would much rather fit the necessities in my purse.
why school didn't seem so bad if i had less books on my back.

i had never really understood why i hated so much baggage.

until i realised that it was because i already had all of me,
to carry.
Both directions make me want to run to their opposite sides,
So where the hell am I supposed to go?
the thing they don't mention
the thing they don't want
or the person with the
checkbook to know is
after it gets better
it always gets
I'll be an empty canvas
as long as you're the paint
adding color to my madness.

I'll be the midnight sky
as long as you're the fireworks
and it's the fourth of July.

I'll be an empty stomach
as long as you're the butterflies.
I'll be the void
If you'll be the cries.
The ketchup to your fries.

Can't you see?
You fill me up so perfectly.
Like you were made for me
like you and I were meant to be.

You are...

The feet to my socks
The juice to my box
The tic tok to my broken clocks

You are...

My reason being.
You always told me about the colliding
stars between my lashes, the way they
looked burnt through your chest,
because stars are only raging souls in flames.
But where there is fire,
you will always carry gasoline.

And I hid match sticks beneath
your matteress, preparing my fingertips
for the day the room went
black and you wouldn't let me
hold your hand. You had petrol between your teeth instead of spit and traces
of flint under your nails.
You stopped comparing me to the sky
and started kissing me like
ashes and smoke.

Fairytales never taught me that dragons were alive, fairytales taught me
that they can be killed
and I learnt at a young age that I was
never going to be a butterfly,
or Snow White
or Jasmine
or anything other
than the pretence of Sleeping Beauty,

but I guess this way its more like Fading Tragedy.
I am the embodiment of the phrase
"love hurts"
and I've never been more than
the hurricane on your windscreen
that you're trying so desperately to
wipe away.

— The End —