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 Apr 2015 Pablo Silva
 Apr 2015 Pablo Silva
Destroy the monsters
that call your mind home
no longer allow them
shelter within your bones
let yourself free
from the demons inside
you'll never find happiness
or the light otherwise
Listen to yourself, Steff!
All the time and everywhere I look…
The search of my eyes end, when I see what you left and what you took.
I look for the signs you leave,
Back in the room where you lived.

I see the signs like your jacket lying on the couch,
I look at the ring of water percolated from your glass,
I smell a mingle of both your perfume and your scotch,
Resting my eyes on the undone bed, at last.

Bedazzled with the idea of you without you,
I visit the places which I visited with you.
I go to the temple where you took me once,
Making my peace with the fact, that you weren’t here since months.

In the same city, on the same path,
I have your signs enveloped around my heart.
Since I know it won’t be long when you return,
I stare at that coffee shop, wondering when will it be again when we start.

I am habitual to look for your signs,
On the roads which we used to take,
Your roads and mine.
When somebody talks like you,
The habitual me thinks, that your signs they make.

Make that journey of waiting shorter for me,
Let’s look for those signs together, as ‘we’.
Let’s create some more signs for me to reminisce,
And thy signs shall I always seek.
My mind is awakening
The Darkness is lightening
My eyes are not yet opened
The dreams already ended.

But I do not want to wake up!

The light does not stop
The darkness is fleeing
I'm struggling with the light
I can't breath

I do not want to wake up!

It doesn't stop
The light forces me out my darkness
I dive out
My body jolts up
I'm gasping for breath

I have woken up...

— The End —