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The very thought of you
strums time out of day-*

This baked wilderness defies emptiness
as cactus flowers bloom for none
in sun's blistering sorcery
as scaple sharp, shadow surgery

Of this sovereign heat spell
bleached dunes give way shells
crackling weeds, sentry sands
let arid Bristlecone land

Downward rooted and hoary
fibrous fingers sprout steadfast
retelling scrub brush stories
of phloem wine, mirage's vacuous blast

Clouds, in debt to ocean's soul
owe, are owned by Helios aloft
shape shifting steamy billows
promising royal anointment

Then this evening after life
when all is but spent in scurry strife
let it dwell upon a dream
of leopard rains and keystone schemes

Before silhouette night's numb lull
forcing close to petal's remit
in desiccated continental drift
prepare this silent will

I visioned you,
With her in fields
Of long green grass
Underneath the sun.

I watched you,
****** each other
Like shears to a lamb
Naked and joyous.

You left me here,
In the plots of blade
And purple thistle crown
A princess undone.

I will nay curse you,
Nor she who destroyed
Me as I was once alive,
Woke under your spell.
The city spreads
The wild displaced
Some species gone
Without a trace
We move along
At such a pace
We lose our world
This human race

A Trasher sits
Upon a rail
In search of bugs
With flirt of tail
Grey-brown body
Curved blackish beak
He will find
The food he seeks
While he rests
So smooth and sleek
I find the wild
I take a peek
Into a world
Where harshness picks
The hardy ones
In desert sticks
As he peers
With yellow eye
He has his place
Twixt earth and sky

(C) 12/31/2016
My hometown is now a large city.
Many displaced wild animals now
Find a home within the city limits.
Javelina (wild "pigs" which are actually
more closely related to rodents) are now
Commonplace. Coyote run the city in packs. Residents complain. Well. What do
They expect?

I had a wonderful encounter with
A wild creature this morning. This plain
Brown Thrasher sat on the rail of our stairs
For quite a while, looking at me quizzically.
What went through his mind, I wonder?
My classmate Martha walked our school’s
halls for thirteen years, few students

talked to her because she drooled,
walked like a puppet, and had

greasy hair; there are  poems
I can not finish.
it makes you wonder
that Christianity’s important celebration
    welcoming the wondrous birth of the savior
    by a ****** mother
seems to have become mostly a holiday for children

they happily believe in Santa and his reindeers
    or in the Christ child & its servant
    depending on the region and its customs
expecting the delivery of gifts with shiny eyes
accepting the miracle of sleighs & animals
flying across the sky without questioning

adults nod knowingly & smile

yet there are many
    children at heart
who still believe that some benevolent high power
will shower them with presents from above
if only they  retain their sense of awe and wonder
keep their miraculous beliefs of yonder
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