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That's the name they gave me
The intentions weren't friendly
They used it mockingly
Albeit creatively
Because my skin was alabaster pasty,
I was Jack Skelington skinny
And, apparently,
My blond hair and blue eyes weren't manly
So then,
I embraced it and turned it on them ceremoniously
No more Casper the Friendly,
Just Casper the Deadly
Turned to the ghost that gave nightmares to Freddy
Made the devil look heavenly
That persona went at any and every enemy
But now that I'm 40
I've let that part of me leave me
Though it was the only part of me that believed in me
The scratched up side of my flipped penny
...I miss is secretly...

making music in my mind
such a strange song
Our winter sun has set ---
The days grow shorter now;
The love that we share brings not one regret,
And so I make this vow:

I shall remember you
When through that dark abyss
I journey alone, as we all must do,
When doomed by Death's vile kiss

And when you've reached Death's shore,
Marooned by Life's fierce tide,
I'll search for you, and mournfully implore
Quick passage to your side

My cries will resonate
Throughout Eternity,
And if there be a Divine Magistrate,
I'll beg on bended knee

And as I seek your hand
In realms extraordinaire,
What joy will be mine in that foreign land
To find you waiting there

Death's mandates may be stern
But Love need not obey,
For Love defies Death, showing no concern
For Life's sad yesterday

And we'll not flinch at chance,
Nor will despair dictate;
In this realm of eternal circumstance
Love has no fear of Fate

And how we shall rejoice
When our souls reunite
To bear witness to and vow with one voice
The Love that Death could not smite!
Time is funny thing
We miss the past
And dream of the future
While paying little mind to a today
That is the dream we will later miss

I searched for God
and I saw babies and children
smiling and sleeping their way through time.

I searched for God
and I saw dogs on the streets
wagging their tails to strangers.

I searched for God
and I came across humans
helping other humans who could not return the favor

I searched for God
and I saw the stars
twinkling their way through the cosmos
every night, dying and rebirthing

Finally I searched for God
and I felt my own heartbeat
refusing to ever give up no matter what
beating consistently to the tune of life
i dont have a religion
She is the sole star in her galaxy
Her walk is akin to that of the diety
Her radiant beauty that all men see,
Is the power by which mortal men are set free!
It becomes more clear than ever
to those who follow Christian faith-
Those who know the storyline
But are still waiting for the cast
To be announced and pictured.

There are horses in the stable
Warriors with coats of different colors
Snorting as they kick the doors
That strive to keep them safe inside
While waiting for their riders.

Their riders are donning uniforms
And making preparations
To mount their waiting steeds
And thunder out across the world
To prove the Holy Book is true.

These are the Horsemen Of The Apocalypse -
Stuff of legend and religious lore,
Baring names that generate fear:
Names that now are listed here:
Netanyahu, Xi and Kim, Putin
And his aide de camp named Donald
Who tends the horse but does not ride.

Who will be astride which colored horse?
Putin rides the white one known as Conquest.
Netanyahu rides the red;  
It’s brand spells out the word for War.
Xi rides the Black horse, Pestilence -
Unleashed upon the recent world.
The pale horse symbolizing Death for all
Is ridden by Kim the Rocket Man who sits beside
His Doomsday Toys, waiting for the light to change.

The light cannot stay red much longer.
The people were perfect matches to the horse's designations.
Little Monkey was up and about,
“What a glorius day!” he would shout,
For as with all youthful beings,
Each day is an adventure new;
No worries, no problems,
Or maybe just a few,
Nothing however to be depressed,
‘tis the wondrous gift of youth,
Innocence with which they’re blessed
From my Little Monkey Series
with me today. All the gold
has turned grey. Marshmallow fluff
of woven shawls has rolled down
lanes like bowling *****. The wind is

whipping me like eggs, in peaks of
white that stands on stage. My eyes are
clouds dripping sweet dew down ruddy
hills I powdered with rouge. The fog

outside is like my bathroom mirror. But I
cannot wipe it off with the cotton
washcloth. And the pelting of the rain
on my windowpane rings through

my ears like a screaming baby's
tears. One, with colic that cannot be
soothed. Like my life, a wrinkled dress
I iron out but cannot be smoothed.
Emphasize of Faith
Praising voices every length
The Hope
The Desire
The moment
Encouragement felt throughout
Direct to Heaven
Open Up and Cry out
The help
Need to conquer
The overcome
Break the Devil’s interference
Total turnaround
The break through
Heaven’s answer
The Blessing
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